
Monsanto’s GM Wheat in Development Despite Consumer Push Back

Some think that with minimal market saturation, GM wheat could become a strong seller in the US, just like genetically modified corn, soy, canola oil, cottonseed, and other GM crops. Monsanto ditched the efforts to develop this particular crop 10 years ago, but has relatively recently begun working to create a new strain of the crop. Why the sudden interest again in GM wheat? [1]

What is REALLY Behind the ‘Zika Outbreak’ Panic and Rise in Birth Defects…?

Though the Zika virus was originally discovered in 1947, cases of the virus being contracted were only sporadic, and even then only occurred in Africa and southern Asia. It was until 2013 that that individual cases started to appear in the Americas. It was in May last year that Brazil reported its first case. And […]