
Ready for Canola Oil Sprayed with Not One But TWO Herbicides?

Bayer, notorious for harming pollinating insects with its neonicotinoid pesticides, is registering a new GM canola that will be tolerant to two health-destroying chemicals, glufosinate and glyphosate. The new GM canola strain was developed to be tolerant to a double-dose of herbicides that have been documented to cause birth defects, neuro-degeneration, cancer, endocrine disruption, and autism-like symptoms.

36 Different Pesticides Found in Hawaiian Child’s Hair Sample

Kauaʻi mother Malia Chun is no stranger to fighting against biotech corporations that spray chemicals in her neighborhood. She flew all the way to Switzerland to attend Syngenta’s board meeting to draw attention to the fact that corporations like theirs are poisoning her children. Recent tests revealed that one of her daughters was riddled with 36 different pesticides – the shocking discovery was found from taking a simple hair sample to a lab.
Malia Chun stands in front of the GE corn fields near her home. Source: MIKE COOTS FOR EARTHJUSTICE

Ding Ding! EU Committee Votes AGAINST Renewal of Glyphosate Herbicide

Monsanto may be in trouble in Europe. After months of controversy over disparaging studies concerning Round Up’s main ingredient, glyphosate, the Committee on Environment, Food Safety & Public Health (ENVI) has formally objected  to the re-authorization by the European Commission of the herbicide.
Voting to uphold this objection were 36 members, while 6 members voted against it and 18 did not vote.