
Monarch Butterfly Populations are Dwindling – Here’s How You Can Help

Majestic monarch butterflies cover the fir trees in the forests of Central Mexico every winter, but fewer of them have been calling these woods home, thanks mostly to humanity’s destruction of their natural environment. [1]

The number of monarchs have been dwindling for 2 decades, but the situation seems to have reached a tipping point this year.
Karen Oberhauser, co-chairwoman of Monarch Joint Venture, a national collaboration of 50 conservation, education and research groups, confirmed it, saying:

FDA Testing Finds Glyphosate Herbicide in Oatmeal, Baby Food

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed the presence of trace amounts of glyphosate in a variety of oat products, including plain and flavored oat cereals for babies. [1]
An FDA chemist compiled data and presented it to other chemists at a meeting in Florida. The evidence revealed that residues of the chemical found in Monsanto’s blockbuster Roundup pesticide was present in several types of infant oat cereal, including banana strawberry- and banana-flavored varieties.

Prominent Latin American Scientists Say Bill Gates’ Golden Rice Is a Total Failure

By Christina Sarich | Underground Reporter | September 27, 2016 Nobel Laureates who have been pushing the genetically modified organism agenda deep into scientific circles are being lambasted by a group called the Union of Latin American Scientists Committed to Society and Nature (UCCSN-AL). A whopping third of Nobel laureates recently slammed Greenpeace for its […]

Law Firm Files Suit on Behalf of Government Against Giant Chemical Firms; Government Declines to Join

Victims blinded by a methyl isocyanate gas leak from a chemical factory in Bhopal, India, 1984 (source).by Gaius PubliusThis news brought to you by the hashtag #CultureOfCorruption. There's a fair amount to digest in the news story below, so I'll try to give you the short strokes first:

Monsanto Gets the First CRISPR License to Modify Crops

Monsanto announced last week that it licensed the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool from the Broad Institute in Boston for use in seed development. The technology will allow the agritech giant to edit crops’ DNA by “snipping” away undesirable traits – or adding in more desirable ones – of the plants’ genetic codes. Frankenfood? [1]
Source: Business Insider

Biotech Giants Bayer and Monsanto Sign Mammoth Merger Agreement

The agritech world got a lot bigger this week when German chemical giant Bayer inked an agreement to acquire Monsanto for $66 billion in cash. The 2 companies had been bickering for months, and this was the 3rd refurbished offer. In the end, Bayer agreed to pay $128 per share, up from the company’s previous offer of $127.50. [1]
The agreement makes it the largest all-cash deal on record.
Markus Manns of Union Investment, one of Bayer’s top 12 investors, said: