
When Will Co-opted Figures And Board Members Of Companies Like Monsanto And Bayer Be Hauled Into Court?

The public is being poisoned, disease rates are spiralling, waterways are contaminated, soil is being degraded, insects, birds, invertebrates and plant diversity are in dramatic decline. Humanity and the planet are being poisoned for profit. We are experiencing an assault on life by the agrotoxins industry, which is in fact contributing to a sixth mass extinction. Armed with a harmful chemical cocktail of[Read More...]

Arkansas Temporarily Bans the Sale and Use of Dicamba Herbicide

After hundreds of Arkansas farmers claimed their crops had been harmed by the weed-killer dicamba, which was sprayed on neighboring fields, the Arkansas Plant Board voted June 23, 2017, to impose an unprecedented ban on the herbicide.
David Hundley, who manages grain production for Ozark Mountain Poultry in the town of Bay, said:

Tanzania Forced To Embrace Seed Patents Or Risk Losing Developmental Aid

A woman works a field near the Tanzanian town of Arusha. (AP/Karel Prinsloo)
MINNEAPOLIS– A “development assistance” initiative launched five years ago by the G8, an inter-governmental political forum of the world’s most industrialized nations that consider themselves democracies, is holding Tanzania hostage to the benefit of agribusiness and the detriment of small-scale Tanzanian farmers.

‘America’s Lawyer’ Mike Papantonio Accuses Monsanto Of Lying and Creating False Studies on the Safety of It’s Roundup-Ready Pesticide

Mike Papantonio, known as America's lawyer on the Ring of Fire radio show, will join 700 other litigants suing Monsanto for the cancer hazard created by its pesticide product, Roundup Ready. Papantonio says the company falsified data and attempted to discredit legitimate research on the dangers of Roundup Ready. [...]