
The Pentagon Buys Fuel Cheap, Resells to Its Own Forces, Uses Profit for Operations It Wants to Hide

The Washington Post reports that the Pentagon is recycling a scam from WWII whereby it buys fuel and then resells it to its own armed services at a higher price and uses the profits as a slush fund for questionable purposes. Since 2010, the Pentagon has built up a $6-billion surplus. [...]

‘America’s Lawyer’ Mike Papantonio Accuses Monsanto Of Lying and Creating False Studies on the Safety of It’s Roundup-Ready Pesticide

Mike Papantonio, known as America's lawyer on the Ring of Fire radio show, will join 700 other litigants suing Monsanto for the cancer hazard created by its pesticide product, Roundup Ready. Papantonio says the company falsified data and attempted to discredit legitimate research on the dangers of Roundup Ready. [...]

California Governor Jerry Brown Calls Taxpayers “Freeloaders” for Objecting to His New Gas Tax And Car Fees

Governor Jerry Brown was in Orange County defending State Assemblyman, Josh Newman, who is facing voter backlash after voting for Brown’s new tax of 12-cents per-gallon on gasoline. Brown's comment was ironic because California is a welfare state that houses one-fourth of all illegal aliens living in the US. [...]

US Arms Dealers Will Supply $100-Billion in Arms to Saudi Arabia, and Israel Also Will Receive More US Military ‘Aid’

President Trump is close to approving over $100-billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia and to aid Israel so it they can maintain military dominance in the Middle East. US weapons contractors will supply all sides of the arms race, and that market will grow to more than $300-billion over the next decade. [...]

Hillary Clinton Establishes ‘Onward Together’, a New Dark Money Collecting Super PAC

Hillary is launching a new organization, Onward Together, to build a network of Democrat candidates in the 2018 elections. She needs a new stream of income, since her other organizations have dried up. Her new PAC (Political Action Committee) is a 501(c)4 organization, which will enable her to accept money from unidentified donors. Perfect! [...]

Study Finds Pharma Reps Influence Doctor Prescription Decisions

Doctors at teaching hospitals are more likely to prescribe generic drugs over name-brand ones when pharmaceutical sales representatives are kept at bay, a study published in JAMA shows. [1]
By comparison, doctors working in hospitals that don’t keep pharma sales reps on a short leash – freely accepting meals and gifts, and letting reps have free reign of the hospital – prescribed far more name-brand medications.