
Trump Negotiating $80 Billion Deal for Saudi Arabia to Acquire Nuclear Power

President Trump is considering a deal with Saudi Arabia allowing Westinghouse Electric, a financially strapped nuclear energy company, to build 16 nuke plants over the next 20 years, at a cost of more than $80 billion. The deal would also permit Saudi Arabia to enrich and reprocess uranium, which can be used for nuclear weapons. Congress must approve any agreement that is forged, and lawmakers will have three months to weigh in on the deal.

Transgender Ideology Is Funded by $400 Million from Drug, Surgery and Healthcare Investors

Research shows that wealthy transgender donors and medical investors who stand to benefit financially from sex-change treatments, have spent more than $400 million to promote the claim that men and women should be free to switch their 'gender' whenever they want to do so. The ideology also demands that parents and doctors, reporters, researchers, and surgeons stay silent in the face of growing evidence that the ideology and treatments are hazardous to the subjects’ physical health and mental stability. Most of the donated money goes to normalizing the transgenderism.

Trump’s Newly-Passed Budget Adds $1-Million Per Minute to National Debt

Judge Napolitano says that US debt at the end of President Trump's first term will be $27-TRILLION, because his newly passed budget adds $6-trillion in debt per year, or one-million dollars per minute, above what is collected in taxes. The debt is so high, and the government borrows so much, that 40% of all its present revenue goes to pay for interest on debt for goods and services already consumed. Future generations will be paying for goods and services that were consumed before they were ever born!

$20 Billion Hidden in the Swamp: Feds Redact 255,000 Salaries

The Office of Personnel Management is responsible for hiding information about the salaries of 20% of all federal workers. The data is redacted from public records, so taxpayers cannot find out how much is being paid to high-level bureaucrats. The total is a whopping $20-billion each year. President Trump has the power to put this to an end in a heartbeat by replacing the Director of The Office of Personnel Management, Kathleen McGettigan, a 25-year bureaucrat whose salary is not shown. There is no indication so far that Trump has any interest in changing the status quo.

$300-Billion Pork-Barrel Spending Bill Passed by Republicans and Democrats

US Congress: A two-year $300-billion spending bill was passed with support from Republicans and Democrats alike. It was a classic pork-barrel bill in which influential politicians and corporate lobbyists received funding for their favorite projects - without opposition or discussion. The bill was 652 pages long and passed eighteen-hours after submission. Obviously, no one read the entire bill - only those portions that generated funding for their own purposes.

Oregon: Male to Female Transgender Prisoner Receives Transition Aid at Taxpayers’ Expense

Oregon: Michale Wright, who was convicted of attempted robbery, has supposedly been transitioned enough from male to “female” by hormone treatments that “she” is being moved from the men’s prison to the women’s prison. Oregon's Department of Corrections granted Wright's request for hormone treatment after he filed a lawsuit. It is unknown if the state also will pay for his requested orchiectomy to remove his testicles. Oregon's Corrections Department has 55 transgender or intersex inmates in custody.

Coincheck in Tokyo Loses $400-Million in Cryptocurrency Heist

Japan: A cryptocurrency exchange called Coincheck was hacked on January 25 and lost $534-million in NEM tokens, a lesser-known cryptocurrency. This loss is higher than the Mt. Gox theft of 2014. Coincheck says it will use its own money to reimburse all 260,000 affected users, though it didn't specify when it will start disbursing funds. [...]

Dark Secrets Behind the Drug Overdose Deaths of Tom Petty, Prince and 42,000 Americans Per Year

Rock stars Tom Petty and Prince both died after overdosing on opioid drugs. The Sackler family reaped $14 billion in ill-gotten gains after manipulating the medical industry into prescribing their dangerous drugs. The Sacklers are now selling their fatal drugs on the international market after facing lawsuits, bad press and new regulations in America. [...]