
“…And Then There Were None” – Film, Literature and the New World Order

“Take us to your leader!” is the science fiction cliche…but what if there’s no leader to be taken to, and no one to do the leading? In this edition of the Film, Literature and the New World Order series, James examines the philosophy of Eric Frank Russell’s 1951 story “…And Then There Were None” and unlocks the secret of the most dangerous weapon.

Amazon Loses $30 Billion in One Day After Rumors Trump May Try to Break Its Monopoly

In a free country, citizens do not have the right to use force against their neighbors to prevent them from selling their products below cost - even if their intent is to force competitors out of business. If we do not have that authority as individuals, we cannot delegate it to politicians to do it either, regardless of how much we may like the idea. Therefore, there should be no anti-trust laws, but there CAN and SHOULD be laws against favoring one company or consortium of companies over their competitors, which creates monopolies. Click link for full commentary by GEG.

Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Would Cost US Taxpayers $2 Trillion

Princeton Policy Adviser President Steven Kopits says his research on illegal immigration shows that giving amnesty to illegal aliens would cost American taxpayers a staggering $2 TRILLION, as the new citizens would eventually become eligible for government programs. Illegal immigration costs American taxpayers about $116 billion every year, or about $8,075 per taxpayer. [Why would we elect people from both parties to advocate for this death-wish to America?] [...]

Republican RINOs and Democrats Betray American Taxpayers with $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill

US: Republican-In-Name-Only (RINOs) have sold out their constituents once again as they prepare to pass the enormously bloated $1.3 trillion, 2,232-page omnibus budget that they have not even read. It is loaded with hand-outs by big spenders - Republicans and Democrats alike. Politics as usual while the nation staggers under the increasing load. [...]

Families of Politicians Receive Billions in Private Deals and Gifts from Foreign Governments

Peter Schweizer, author of Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends, reveals that politicians, including John Kerry, Joe Biden, and Mitch McConnell are linked to deals with the Chinese government that delivered BILLIONS of dollars to their children and parents. While the law requires a $1,500 political donation to be publicly disclosed, billions can flow to family members with no disclosure required- which is no accident. The stench is unbearable.

Millennials Not Saving for Retirement, Believing Government Will Take Care of Them

Two-thirds of Millennials who were polled said they have saved nothing for retirement. Many believe they do not need to save because capitalism will be abolished and replaced with socialism, which will take care of their needs. [In other words, they are passively preparing to live on the plantation.] [...]

“…And Then There Were None” – FLNWO #41

[audio mp3=""][/audio]"Take us to your leader!" is the science fiction cliche...but what if there's no leader to be taken to, and no one to do the leading? In this edition of the Film, Literature and the New World Order series, James examines the philosophy of Eric Frank Russell's 1951 story "...And Then There Were None" and unlocks the secret of the most dangerous weapon.

America’s First Permitted Home Constructed by a 3D Printer Cost $10,000

A proof-of-concept home constructed by a 3D printer in 48 hours, at a cost of $10,000, was demonstrated in Austin, Texas. New Story, a housing non-profit, teamed up with a construction-technology firm called Icon to build the 350 sq ft home as a prototype for low-cost homes planned for El Salvador late next year. [...]

Ben Shapiro Dismantles The Moral Case for Socialism

Ben Shapiro dismantles the moral case for socialism. In short, it is immoral to steal from people even if you do it by voting instead of by gunpoint. He says that capitalism is forced altruism, whereby each party exchanges something of value based on mutual consent. This is a collection of video segments taken from his speeches - and they pack a wallop, including his analysis of why Nordic countries are not poster children for socialism, like many people believe. [...]