
Ooops! David Hogg Stages Protest at Pro-NRA Supermarket that Responds by Canceling All Donations, Including to Gun-Control Advocates

Florida: David Hogg, the student activist who emerged from the Parkland high-school shooting, organized a "die-in" at a Publix supermarket over its donations to a Republican candidate running for governor who was supported by the NRA. The market chain responded by canceling all political donations, including those to organizations that fund Planned Parenthood and gun control. [...]

Evergreen College Cuts Budget by $6 Million Due to Enrollment Plunge

Olympia, Washington: The student protests a year ago due to liberal intolerance, which included death threats to teachers and administrators and culminated in a siege over the school, contributed to the already declining enrollment. As a result, the budget will be cut by $6 million, which will lead to further declines in enrollment. [...]

Rand Paul Forced a Senate Vote on the Budget to Expose RINOs

Rand Paul's 'Penny Plan Budget' bill would have cut one penny from every dollar over five years, delivering a balanced budget. He suggested that much of the cuts could have come from defense, education, and corporate welfare. 76 Senators, including RINOs (Republicans in name only), have now been put on record voting for uncontrolled spending. [...]

The Pentagon and HUD Took $21 TRILLION from US Taxpayers!

American taxpayers have been robbed of at least $21-trillion by the DOD and HUD, based on a study of the agencies from 1998 to 2015 made by a professor of economics at Michigan State University. Meanwhile, the government has failed to fund $5-trillion in pension obligations despite many opportunities to do so, concluding it is intentional and that it will cause a "crisis" that will increase taxes, including property tax. [...]

Middle Class Squeezed Out as California Economy Falls

Victor Davis Hanson says that the economic distribution in California is Medieval because wealthy people on the coast, who make policy decisions, are not subject to the ramifications of their own ideologies, laws, and regulations that are imposed on the rest of the population. Because of this, an estimated four to five-million people from the middle class have left the state, replaced by illegal aliens from Mexico. [This cannot end well.] [...]

Almost 50% of US Aid to Afghanistan Goes to Corruption, Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

During a Senate hearing on US Spending in Afghanistan, Sergio Gor, Senator Rand Paul’s deputy chief of staff, made a written statement indicating that between 20% and 50% of US reconstruction funding in Afghanistan “goes to corruption, waste, fraud, and abuse.” US involvement in Afghanistan will cost taxpayers $45-billion in 2018. [...]

Illinois Proposes Plundering Homeowners to ‘Fix’ Pension Problem

Illinois has the highest property tax in the nation, with an average of 2.67%, and as high as 5% in some areas, yet the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago proposed an additional 1% rate hike to cover the state's underfunded pension problem. The revenue would help only five state pensions, while 650 county and city pension funds remain to be 'fixed'. [God help property owners in Illinois.] [...]

Can China’s Gold-Backed ‘Petro-Yuan’ End Dominance of the US Dollar?

The US dollar is being challenged by China's oil-futures trading market that opened last month. If the Saudis sell more of their oil to China, the yuan-denominated oil contracts and the launch of the gold-backed petro yuan could be a serious blow against the US petro dollar as the world's reserve currency. China's ace in the hole is its announced intention to make the yuan fully convertible to gold which, if actually done, would make it more attractive globally than the US dollar.