
Paid Protest Firm ‘Crowds On Demand’ Sued in $23 Million Extortion Plot Threatening Harassment and Defamation

A smear campaign involving a staged protest, spreading misinformation, and a negative phone and email campaign was allegedly used against a Czech investor. He says his business rival threatened to ramp up harassment by Crowds On Demand unless he paid $23 million to make it stop.

Drugmakers Could be Forced to Disclose Drug Prices in TV Ads

Fun fact: Drugmakers may legally advertise pharmaceuticals on television in only 2 countries, New Zealand and the United States. Now under new proposed rules, drugmakers may be forced to disclose in their TV ads how much their drugs cost. [1] [2]
A new federal rule has been drafted by Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar that would require drug manufacturers to disclose in television ads the list price for a 30-day supply of any drug that is covered through Medicare or Medicaid and costs more than $35 a month. [2]

Israeli Court Imposes $12K Fine on New Zealand BDS Activists Who Convinced Singer Lorde to Cancel Her Show

Israeli lawyers said that the ruling makes it clear that anyone who calls for a boycott against the State of Israel could find themselves liable for damages and will be forced to pay compensation to those hurt by the boycott call. The law firm will try to go after the activists' bank accounts.

Top 15 Richest People In History (Adjusted for Inflation)

One running problem with contemporary punditry is an inability to put ‘rich’ into historical perspective. One of the reasons for this is the simple arithmetic hurdle of adjusting yesterday’s net worth to today’s monetary inflation. The following presentation does just that. 
Here are the top 15 richest people to ever live. These billionaires, and trillionaires, most of whom would put people like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos to shame. Watch: