
The Crash of Wall Street Banks and Insurers this Week is Blamed on the Coronavirus, but the Real Cause is Decades of Money Creation by the Fed

Headlines about the virus did not appear in the US until January of 2020, but the Federal Reserve began making hundreds of billions of dollars in loans to Wall Street’s banks on September 17, 2019. The Fed was creating money to keep banks afloat a little longer, and the cost was passed to the consumer.

Orthodox Christianity versus Socialism, Part I – all about stuff

In a newsfeed I receive from Ayatollah Khameini, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I saw this interesting post. It would appear that the Ayatollah likes socialism. He presumed, amazingly, to offer some advice to Americans about their capitalist government:

I guess the Grand Ayatollah is… a Bernie Sanders supporter?

Jeff Bezos Announces $10-Billion “Bezos Earth Fund” to Fight Climate Change, But Keeps His Profit-Making Scheme a Secret

Bezos' project requires central banks to match his $10-billion at a rate of roughly 100 of theirs to his 1 and commit trillions more in a way that forces investors to buy Environmental, Social, and Governance (known as ESG exchange-traded funds). His $10-billion 'donation' could be an excellent 'investment'.

Tucker Carlson Blasts Goldman Sachs for Racial and Gender Discrimination

The banking firm is now changing its policy from choosing its IPOs based on financial criteria to basing its criteria on race as the company has announced it will start “refusing IPOs if all directors are white straight men”. Goldman Sachs has also announced that its new diversity policy will not apply to Asia.

ELITE AT DAVOS: Americanism & The False Libertarian Dialectic – Jay Dyer (Half)

My analysis from two years ago has proven accurate! In our post-modern world, two contradictory presuppositions dominate: total and all-encompassing relativism and extreme mathematical quantification in terms of technological dominance. Globalism itself is the clearest manifestation of this double-think, with Trump as an icon of both. Corporatism, mammonism and relativism all coalesce into a satanic-based world order.

The Federal Reserve Considers Making Billions in Repo Loans Available to Hedge Funds, Essentially Bailing Out the ‘Fat Cats’

Hedge funds, globally, are in a financial tail spin, and many have already blocked investors from withdrawing their money. True to form, the Federal Reserve is preparing to infuse these firms with super low-cost loans that will help to bail them out - at taxpayer expense, of course.