
Corporations Going ALL OUT With Massive Leverage! Debt Expansion Will Create Havoc


Everyone is in debt. Corporations use debt. Apple has $200 billion in cash on hand and still borrows excessive levels of debt. Nations, cities, and people are heavily in debt, and ultimately this puts a heavy strain on the entire system. There is only so much debt it can handle without causing a backlash. A failure. This is inevitable and yet we are witnessing it all in slow motion, denial from every angle, and mountains of history books warning of the obvious, but nobody even cares anymore.

Financial System Unsustainable Path as Easy Money Creates Tulip Mania 2.0! Stocks Pop or Drop?


We have witnessed an acceleration of the trends previously seen in 2017. Month after month of gains. Indicators flashing red. Warning signs everywhere. But 2020 is truly different. Different in that there is basically nobody suggesting the markets will go down at this point. The Fed has acknowledged they desire confetti currency and the people love it. But do they even know what they are wishing for?


Financial System Failure Warning Triggered: First CMBS Begins To Fall. What’s Next?


The Financial Crisis has taught investors nothing. They shied away from risk for about a few months before jumping right back into it. Sure, maybe subprime mortgages weren’t the top pick but they just moved on. Today, the most overt concern is the debt connected to retail, the derivatives mess underneath it, and how purposely ignoring this will have devastating consequences. Well, this time is different, right?


Central Banks Going For NEGATIVE Interest Rates as Currency Value Drops!


Every empire falls. It does this largely because of its own failures. It crumbles from within as more corruption and greed consume it in haste. More people are jumping onto the pile, pushing their savings into the stock market. Many inexperienced traders are rushing to buy leveraged positions in technology stocks which have completely taken over. The question is, if the Fed never takes away the punch bowl, will the party ever stop?


The Fed Just Promised MAJOR INFLATION and No Chance of Stopping It! Prepare Accordingly


The Federal Reserve has gone down a path it cannot turn back from. It has gone towards the inevitable failure of the currency. There is no way that printing excessive quantities of fiat currency can ever work out well. They know this but that’s what is being done anyway. There are no historical examples of successful currency debasement and yet they’re all doing it. Sadly, people are enjoying this policy and believe this is somehow positive. How foolish.


The Global Economic Collapse Will Force EVERYONE To Sell EVERYTHING.


There has never been a more questionable period. During the Financial Crisis, it was well understood the direction things were headed. Today however, there is such polarization. No information is secure. Nothing seems to make sense. Looking at the traditional indicators at face value has proven to be a big misstep for many. Instead, piecing together this complex puzzle has unveiled a mystery.


Worst of Crisis Still Coming, Warns BIS! Debt, Evictions, and Looming Economic Volatility


The global economy is continuing on its downward trend. The financial system teeters on the edge, while maintaining the facade that somehow we have nothing to worry about. We have the occasional report of positivity from paid actors and institutions. But overall, the data is not reasonable. It’s not ok to have millions of people subsist only by help of government. Something is broken and those in charge are not there to fix it, in fact they’re only making it worse.


Why the Global Economy CAN’T Recover! More Job Cuts, Recession, and Rapidly Growing Debt


This is the global economic rot. A world in which most cannot escape. There has been an attempted rescue of the financial system from the Repo actions of the Fed, the excessive money printing, and on the economic side, we watch as governments go further and further into debt to try and fill the holes in this proverbial boat. Sadly, this is all just a cover for a massive transfer of wealth and control to the globalist elite.