
BIS Central Banker Admits EPIC Level Crisis Is the Most Likely Result of Global Mass QE

source Globally, we are in the middle of a crisis. One which has been papered over, resolving none of the underlying issues. The so-called solutions provided have only exacerbated the problems of too much debt. It’s of course, done on purpose to siphon wealth away from the middle class and into the hands of the […]

Grocery Store Closures, Unemployment, and Evictions Are Signs of an Impending Economic Crash

Businessman warns people to prepare storing food and water. Some grocery stores in New Mexico were shuttered by the state after workers tested positive for Covid-19. This has resulted in people waiting for hours in lines to get food. 45 million people are unemployed and homelessness is on the rise.

Millions of American Face EVICTION in 1 Month! Massive Food Bank Lines All Across U.S.

source Millions of Americans are potentially facing eviction. They haven’t paid their bills and the government doesn’t seem like they’re going to push out some more money to them. This could be extended, the money might be given out. But as of this moment, that isn’t happening. The Fed has been pushing for more government […]

Lithuania considers EU as a tool to get money and punish opponents

The latest Lithuanian political initiatives could leave to breaking basic policies of the European Union. As we know, the idea of European unity led to the creation and development of the European Union. The EU was established when the Maastricht Treaty came into force in 1993. Today, the European Union is a political and economic […]

Largest Debt Buildup in History Has Created the Major Crisis for 2021 as Economy Weakens

source Economic turmoil has ensued and today we see nothing but chaos. Nothing makes sense. Nothing can be explained. There are lineups for hours to get food. But for those who are employed and now fall into the 401k millionaire status, they’re unable to see what’s around them. There are always haves and have nots. […]

Student Loan Defaults May Cost U.S. Taxpayer $400 Billion! Bigger Than Subprime Crisis?

source We have seen such a devastating blow to the global economy in 2020 and without recovering from the Financial Crisis, central banks couldn’t do much. Governments pumped in stimulus from all corners. After all of this, the real engine of production has been weak, demand in many areas has been soft, and there is […]

U.S. To END Some Stimulus But Economy Desperately Needs Trillions More Now!

source The Fed loves to print money, there’s no denying that. They can give money to institutions all over the world and face no consequences, or even questions for that matter. In 2008, congress asked Neel Kashkari, who do you work for? Essentially questioning the validity of this entity itself. Today, nobody would dare challenge […]

U.S. Economic Recession Created Zombie Companies With $1.4 Trillion of Debt!

source There has been a huge flow of money going into equities. In fact, it’s a record amount. At the same time debt has accelerated in countless corporations, including Apple, the biggest company in the world. Debt is so cheap and manageable for corporations with consistent revenue. But when things become unusual, suddenly you have […]