
Trump Signs $2.3-Trillion Covid-19 Bailout Bill That Also Squelches Free Speech

Tens of billions of dollars are earmarked for war, weapons and regime change abroad. Another disturbing element of the bill is that it makes the felony streaming bill and the CASE Act into law that rewrites our copyright laws to aid copyright extortion rackets that shake down incidental and accidental infringement.

Could Major Risks in Emerging Markets Bring Crisis to U.S? Which Country Is Most Vulnerable?

source / The Money GPS Weakness is pervasive in the global economy. Boarded up stores are so common. Entire industries disrupted. But is there anything that will change this pattern?   EM vulnerability.jpg (1280×510) No Title No Description economies recovering.jpg (974×434) No Title No Description public debt rising fast.jpg (961×479) No Title No Description fx […]

Millions Run Out of Cash as Stimulus Cutoff Approaches! December Rent Not Paid!

source / The Money GPS There has been so much money flowing in from the central banks that you can see the speculation right in front of you, it’s everywhere. This is the most risk-taking ever in history but unlike in previous bubbles, there’s so much denial from basically everyone it’s unheard of, but that’s […]