The Reckoning: China’s Growing Housing Crisis
21WIRE | This could soon become the world's largest and most fatal housing bubble.
21WIRE | This could soon become the world's largest and most fatal housing bubble.
source / The Money GPS The bond market is essentially calling BS on Jerome Powell. Just like during the repo crisis the Fed refused to acknowledge what was going on. Of course if they made mention of it, the reaction would be wild, so simply playing them is the best course of action that they […]
source / The Money GPS Get your stimmy, buy a share or two or your favorite tech company. Or better yet, buy a few 2×4’s. In order to stimulate the economy, the government has sent out a massive flow of cash to a big group of people. For those who need it, it might be […]
SUNDAY SCREENING | A look behind the curtain about how our fiat money is created.
source / The Money GPS Did you think that the government would just give people money and that was the end of it? Of course not. Taxes will be increased in order to pay for it. But don’t worry because the big corporations will pay higher taxes to protect the little guy. Like how countless […]
source / The Money GPS Government is incapable of managing the economy. That’s an absolute documented fact. This is on all levels. Quite frankly, they shouldn’t try to. But they do, and they will. The new spending bill got passed so that people can get their checks, so that money can be dispersed to places […]
source / The Money GPS We have seen the Fed give money out to every institution around the world. They hid it from the public in the best interest of the public apparently. They refused to admit who got the money though it was later determined and made public. What has happened to that money? […]
source / The Money GPS We have encountered territory we have never been before. The general consensus is that “this time is different” and there’s certainly nothing to worry about. It’s clear that without a trigger event, without a big spark, there likely won’t be a fire. But when everything around you is soaked in […]
The $1.9-trillion Covid bill contains $86-billion for pension funds. NY Times: "The $86-billion is a taxpayer bailout for about 185 union pension plans that are so close to collapse that without the rescue, more than a million retired truck drivers, retail clerks, builders and others could be forced to forgo retirement income."