
Critiquing Gary North’s attack on Bitcoin as a Ponzi Scheme

In response to Gary North’s November 29, 2013 article, “Bitcoins: The Second Biggest Ponzi Scheme in History“: “I hereby make a prediction: Bitcoins will go down in history as the most spectacular private Ponzi scheme in history“ - If it were a private Ponzi scheme, it’d be illegal, and would already be prosecuted, just like […]

Tom Woods claims Bitcoin isn’t money, only to accept it for payment of his Liberty Classroom courses two weeks later

From the October 7, 2013 Economic Policy Journal article, Is Bitcoin Money: What Economists Have To Say, Tom Woods said: “Tom Woods: Bitcoin is a medium of exchange but not money. This isn’t an insult to or a value judgment about Bitcoin. Austrians sometimes describe money as the most widely accepted medium of exchange in […]

Monetary historian and reformer Byron Dale scheduled to be on Exposing Faux Capitalism, December 22, 2013

Monetary historian and reformer Byron Dale is scheduled to be my guest for the full two hours of Exposing Faux Capitalism, on December 22, 2013, from 8 to 10 PM EST. I’m looking forward to speaking with him about his monetary reform efforts in Minnesota, to issue debt-free money in pursuit of legitimate public works […]

Summary of Jason Erb’s November 4, 2013 Red Ice Radio interview

Here is the summary I prepared of the first hour of my November 4, 2013 interview on Red Ice Radio. 1m – Credit default swaps 3m – The Federal Reserve as the world’s bank 5m – Big economic busts are a direct consequence of the debt-money system with compound interest 5m – Individual interest-based contracts […]