
The International Banking Cartel

A look at the International Banking Cartel led by the Bank for International Settlement (in Basel, Switzerland) known as the bank of central banks (58 central banks) and The US Federal reserve System. Also a look at banking tycoons: from the Rothschild family in Europe to JP Morgan and others in the US. How banks not only control governments but also appoint politicians through huge campaign donations.

N is for Neo-Serfdom, O for Offshore Banking

Instead of an ownership society, we are evolving into a society of mortgage debtors, corporate debtors and government debtors. And as far as the supposed savings (“financial ownership”) are concerned, John C. Bogle has observed that instead of the economy being dominated by individual investors , it is being financialized into “an intermediation society dominated by professional money managers and corporations.” This trend “has not been accompanied by the development of an ethical, regulatory and legal environment … The ownership society is over.

The Hows and Whys of Gold Price Manipulation

The Fed’s policy of monetizing one trillion dollars of bonds annually put pressure on the US dollar, the value of which declined in terms of gold. When gold hit $1,900 per ounce in 2011, the Federal Reserve realized that $2,000 per ounce could have a psychological impact that would spread into the dollar’s exchange rate with other currencies, resulting in a run on the dollar as both foreign and domestic holders sold dollars to avoid the fall in value.

Inside the World’s Top Offshore Tax Shelter

The island has its own parliament, judiciary and treasury, which prints its own currency stamped with the queen's visage and pegged to the British pound. For purposes of free trade, Jersey is treated as part of the European Union and falls under many of the U.K.'s international treaties and compacts, but it has its own constitutional rights separate from the U.K., tracing back to the year 1204.The post Inside the World’s Top Offshore Tax Shelter appeared first on BSNEWS.

Jason Erb’s refutation of Tom Woods’ “Why the Greenbackers are Wrong”

On the January 5, 2014 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism, I provided a two-hour refutation of Tom Woods’ 2013 presentation paper, “Why the Greenbackers are Wrong.“ Here are some highlights: “(2) that fiat money is just fine as long as it is issued by the people’s trusty representatives instead of by the Fed“ - It’s […]

Don’t Plan on Retiring – Work Until You’re Dead?

Millions of older Americans say they will never be able to retire. They simply don’t have the savings. According to CNN, “Roughly three-quarters of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck, with little to no emergency savings…50% have less than a three-month cushion and 27% had no savings at all….” The post Don’t Plan on Retiring – Work Until You’re Dead? appeared first on BSNEWS.

Gary North’s anti-Bitcoin babble

In response to Gary North’s December 10, 2013 article, “Showdown: Bitcoins vs. Greenbacks and/or Precious Metals“: “First, the primary benefit that libertarian promoters of Bitcoins offer in justification of their theory that Bitcoins will become an alternative currency is this one: Bitcoins offer privacy. Paper money today offers a much greater degree of privacy that […]