
Losing Credibility: The IMF’s New Cold War Loan to Ukraine

In April 2014, fresh from riots in Maidan Square and the February 22 coup, and less than a month before the May 2 massacre in Odessa, the IMF approved a $17 billion loan program to Ukraine’s junta. Normal IMF practice is to lend only up to twice a country’s quote in one year. This was eight times as high.
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The Nail In The Petrodollar Coffin: Gazprom Begins Accepting Payment For Oil In Ruble, Yuan

In retrospect it will be very fitting that the crowning legacy of Obama's disastrous reign, both domestically and certainly internationally, will be to force the world's key ascendent superpowers (we certainly don't envision broke, insolvent Europe among them) to drop the Petrodollar and end the reserve status of the US currency.

Did Argentina Actually Default on Her Debts?

Argentina has now taken the US to The Hague for blocking the country’s 2005 settlement with the bulk of its creditors. The issue underscores the need for an international mechanism for nations to go bankrupt. Better yet would be a sustainable global monetary scheme that avoids the need for sovereign bankruptcy.
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The ‘Accelerated’ Crash Course

In 2008 the global economy lurched to a halt, threatening another Great Depression, only this time on a global scale. Oil prices nearly hit $150 a barrel. Soaring cost of living led to revolutions across North Africa and the Middle East. Fukushima and the Deepwater Horizon crises exposed the fragility of our energy systems.
And here is 2014, we’re still grappling with the repercussions of these issues. And their root causes remain sadly under-addressed.

“He Who Makes The Rules Never Goes To Jail For Breaking Them”

Working for the government was always pitched as somehow being better guaranteed than risky corporations. However, he who makes the laws never goes to jail for breaking them - a plain fact of life. The problem with government pensions has been they promised whatever sounded nice, with zero accountability. The presumption that tax revenue was an endless pit is one of those fallacies that nobody ever investigates.

Interview 916 – Financial Survival: Money, Power and Revolution

James Corbett appears on Financial Survival with Alfred Adask to discuss his new documentary, Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve. We talk about the way the monetary system determines how we live our lives, the fact that monetary reform is a touchstone of revolution, and how the power of the Federal Reserve is wielded.

Interview 914 – Why End The Fed? James Corbett on The Janssen Report

via The Janssen Report:
Today James appears on the Janssen Report to discuss his new documentary on the Federal Reserve. Why it is so important to understand central banking and the Federal Reserve in particular? How can the average person work to bring about change? Find out more in this highly focused interview.

Follow the link to watch the full 90-minute documentary: Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve

Century of Enslavement (video)

What is the Federal Reserve system? How did it come into existence? Is it part of the federal government? How does it create money? Why is the public kept in the dark about these important matters? In this feature-length documentary film, The Corbett Report explores these important question and pulls back the curtain on America’s central bank.

Interview 911 – Power Hour: The Federal Reserve is About Power

On this edition of James’ regular appearance on The Power Hour, James and Joyce discuss Fukushima, European banks, and James’ new documentary film, “Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve.” They discuss the need for another Federal Reserve documentary and what the Federal Reserve system is really about.
​Fukushima has 9 days to prevent ‘unsafe’ overheating

Episode 292 – Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve

What is the Federal Reserve system? How did it come into existence? Is it part of the federal government? How does it create money? Why is the public kept in the dark about these important matters? In this feature-length documentary film, The Corbett Report explores these important question and pulls back the curtain on America’s central bank.