The Money GPS

Stocks DROP After No More Stimulus! Economy Needs More Money and Debt Fast


We are seeing a dramatic change in direction here in the short term for stocks. Will there be stimulus? Trillions in just a few months not enough. Fiscal, monetary, and public works. Nothing is ever enough. More stimulus will come. The wave will flood the markets. The financial system will be saturated with liquidity. But in the meantime, algorithms are not too happy.


Can the U.S. Dollar Survive the Mega Stimulus? Economic Meltdown Magnifies Debt


As more and more people find themselves without work, governments will feel the additional pressure. T[h]is has already been highlighted in the increase of taxation on the public. More taxation equates to slower growth. As a result, more stimulus will be needed. This cycle will continue and there will be no more market. Just control from the few, over the many. In any historical similarity, this always ends badly.


Junk Garbage Repackaged Into AAA Investments. Sound Familiar? It’s Happening NOW.


We’ve seen this all before. Taking way too much risk. Highlighting the apparent dangers in the system and the obvious fact that this cannot be sustained. There’s no alternative to this. They need more yield, better returns. But bonds are practically worthless, so the mad scientists create products from garbage and attempt to call it modern art. Call it what you want, either way, it stinks.


Jobs Report LIES AGAIN! Unemployment, Homeless, and the Inevitable Worthless Dollar


The economy is in bad shape. The media continuously reports how there’s a recovery. They used the recovery theme in 2009 and consistently repeated it all the way through 2019. It’s nothing but a joke. We are witnessing a complete disintegration of the global economy and for a specific purpose. The monetary system ultimately needs to be replaced and that’s exactly where we’ve been headed. Cashless society. Supranational control. And the madness of it all.

Food Prices Rising, Inflation Kicks Into High Gear as Banks and Big Oil Intensify Layoffs!


We have seen a grand disparity in between the wealthy and everyone else. This has gone to record levels and cannot be stopped. We know specifically that there’s no chance in a general recovery because they’ve already applied the maximum amount of stimulus. The only solution is to print. Print more and more. Print until it rains confetti. Enjoy the party while it lasts.


U.S. Retail Bankruptcies and Store Closures Hit Record! Financial System Literally Unravelling


More layoffs. More store closures. More economic hardship. But it doesn’t matter because the stock market is rising, right? What a joke this has become. You can’t ignore the majority and look at the few. Most of the population inside and outside of the US are worse off today than a year ago. The stimulus isn’t working. Buying corporate bonds of Apple doesn’t fix the economy. But they stuff it down your throat. Will you take it?


Fed 2% Inflation LIE as Massive Inflation Already Happening! Here’s Proof.


We have seen a dramatic rise in inflation. Just don’t look at the CPI for the data. Really, it has been understated to the point where it’s not funny anymore. It’s deliberately shielding the public from the truth. The most important factor here is that people are buying everyday items and the prices are rising. They’re rising considerably in fact and it has been documented by the same agency that gives out the nonsense numbers. Truly a sight to behold.


Economy Needs MASSIVE Stimulus Boost To Avoid Complete MELTDOWN! Mega Inflation


The economic situation is not one which looks positive for the foreseeable future. Many of the current issues, like the lack of a solution for jobs, just won’t come about in 2020. Stimulus measures are not solutions of course and must eventually be paid back. Knowing that higher taxes is the only way to wind down the amount of debt in place, economic growth which was already trending down, is sure to slow even further. But don’t let me try and convince you. Look at the data itself.