The Money GPS

Bill Ackman Did the “Best Trade of All Time” in 2020 and Now He’s Doing It Again! Watch This.

source As the market was falling in early 2020, most people were losing money. Some however, were making more money than ever before. In this case, Bill Ackman made huge returns and then after a substantial profit was made, he flipped it back and became bullish. Today, he has suggested it’s time to once again […]

Mass Store Closures Will Lead To Uncontainable Debt Spiral! Retail and Office Biggest Risks

source As stores continue to close, industries finding themselves shuttered in the dark, some assets are rising to record highs. There is a very unsettling feeling that is visible in various indicators and that corresponds to the obvious and [the] apparent. Just look out your window as you move through the city center. It’s strange. […]

The Stock Market Would Be HALF If Not For the Fed! Economic Collapse Brings Chaos!

source It is absolutely never a good thing when markets ignore reality. They can do so in the day to day noise. But prolonged issues should be reflected in the markets. That’s a historical fact. However, because of what former Fed president Bill Dudley said, the stock markets are being juiced up by easy money. […]

Warren Buffett Just Bet Big! RECORD LEVEL Stock Repurchases as Markets Near Highest Ever

source The [investing] world has ignored Warren Buffett for his lack of mega purchases throughout 2020 and even beforehand. There is a desire to always buy more, no matter what the conditions are. Buffett’s philosophy is one of patience. Only buy a stock when it makes sense [and] for the most part, Charlie and Warren […]

This is the Tipping Point! Economic Meltdown of Bankruptcy, Job Loss, and the Inevitable Collapse

source While many are distracted by everything in the media, the real powers are maintaining their control over the system. The Financial Crisis should have taught everyone a lifelong lesson. The central banks do whatever they want, when they want. Oddly, there has been a suggestion that the Federal Reserve has been overtaken when it […]

UK, Australia, NZ – MASSIVE Currency Devaluation and the Downside Effects on Real Estate!

source As the economy erodes, governments are trying to fill the void. They can do this by creating work. Infrastructure. Bridges to nowhere. Ghost cities. If they want to simply maintain the current standards and have only the elite class feel any benefits, they print money. Public works and unnecessary activity is obviously not beneficial […]

If There’s ONE THING That Can Pop the Real Estate Bubble, It’s THIS. It Has Already Begun

source One of the most dangerous aspects to the financial system are derivatives. It’s not as simple as you think. You make grape juice by squeezing grapes. The juice is a derivative of the fruit itself. A secondary product made from the original. A financial derivative can literally be nothing tangible. Nothing more than a […]