The Money GPS

Largest Debt Buildup in History Has Created the Major Crisis for 2021 as Economy Weakens

source Economic turmoil has ensued and today we see nothing but chaos. Nothing makes sense. Nothing can be explained. There are lineups for hours to get food. But for those who are employed and now fall into the 401k millionaire status, they’re unable to see what’s around them. There are always haves and have nots. […]

Student Loan Defaults May Cost U.S. Taxpayer $400 Billion! Bigger Than Subprime Crisis?

source We have seen such a devastating blow to the global economy in 2020 and without recovering from the Financial Crisis, central banks couldn’t do much. Governments pumped in stimulus from all corners. After all of this, the real engine of production has been weak, demand in many areas has been soft, and there is […]

U.S. To END Some Stimulus But Economy Desperately Needs Trillions More Now!

source The Fed loves to print money, there’s no denying that. They can give money to institutions all over the world and face no consequences, or even questions for that matter. In 2008, congress asked Neel Kashkari, who do you work for? Essentially questioning the validity of this entity itself. Today, nobody would dare challenge […]

U.S. Economic Recession Created Zombie Companies With $1.4 Trillion of Debt!

source There has been a huge flow of money going into equities. In fact, it’s a record amount. At the same time debt has accelerated in countless corporations, including Apple, the biggest company in the world. Debt is so cheap and manageable for corporations with consistent revenue. But when things become unusual, suddenly you have […]

China Joins World’s Largest Trading Bloc, U.S. EXCLUDED! Reserve Currency Status Remain?

source An empire never falls from the outside in. It’s from the inside out. Today we see what happens when a small handful of people who are capable of causing havoc will do. More and more economic weakness will come and it’s all manufactured. The system of control is defined and required. They print as […]

Debt Crisis Unfolding in U.S. as Malls Go Bankrupt, Lenders Take Major Losses! 2008 Again?

source The world is clearly entering a new phase. Every central bank will fund their entire budget deficit, creating helicopter money madness. Meanwhile, the average know-it-all retail investor has been pushing [pedal] to the metal [on] leveraged stocks, singing the tune, Print For Me Powell, all day long. But there is no certainty in this […]

Watch Commercial Real Estate Failures To See The Financial Crisis Part 2 Unravel!

source In 2008, the world stopped spinning. Everything was out of control. The financial system was beyond weak. Central banks went into territory they never would have dreamed. Today, we are in the same places, navigating through unknown to the masses. This will not end well. Ignorance is not bliss.   Hotel Brands Report Major […]

90,000 Airline Jobs CUT, Bank Jobs Disappear as Economy Falls Next Phase Down!

source Mass layoffs are taking place today and in contrast, we have seen such euphoria in the stock market. Of course, to those who have been paying attention, easy money policies have not only enabled this but encouraged such behavior. There has never been a time in history when such a discrepancy has occurred and […]