The Money GPS

Smart Money Fleeing Markets as Retail Investors Jump In! Foreign Investors Dump U.S. Debt

source In any investments, there are always uncertainties, always ups and downs. Today, the central banks have given the markets the impression that there are no more downs, and that the markets will perpetually rise. Thanks to the central banks that love us very much, we are at a permanently high plateau. At least I […]

Unemployment Numbers WAY Understated! Labor Department Officially Admits It’s Wrong!

source We have seen cases in which inaccurate data has been found and corrected. Revisions take place. But in 2020, admission after admission of incorrect data has been detected, referenced, and then ignored. Despite the fake numbers, the mainstream media will continue to parrot the official numbers. They don’t even look at the Labor Department’s […]

The Broken Economy Leaving Millions Without A Job! Economic Crisis or Opportunity?

source   How the Global Economic Collapse Will Happen (Explained In 60 Seconds)   Central Banks embarked on a journey during the financial crisis. Globally, interest rates were brought down to record lows. Monetization of assets, whether it be government debt, corporate debt, or toxic assets, were rescued by central banks and put on their […]

Stock Market MEGA Bubble Fastest In History While Millions Can’t Afford To Eat. Roaring 20’s

source Anyone who has been keeping an eye on the stock market knows it’s been doing well. Sure it’s completely out of whack but the Fed won’t let it fall. I mean, they love us, right? Yes, it’s completely overvalued by every single metric, but who looks at stats anyway? And I know that there’s […]

Fed Considers More QE as U.S. Dollar Value Falls! Thanksgiving Dinner 10% Higher in 2020!

source The Federal Reserve has expanded their balance sheet beyond anyone’s wildest imagination. Even the members of the Fed themselves were probably wondering how much more this system can handle. But it seems as though you can buy unlimited amounts of garbage with no consequence. As long as you calculate certain statistics like inflation incorrectly, […]

BIS Central Banker Admits EPIC Level Crisis Is the Most Likely Result of Global Mass QE

source Globally, we are in the middle of a crisis. One which has been papered over, resolving none of the underlying issues. The so-called solutions provided have only exacerbated the problems of too much debt. It’s of course, done on purpose to siphon wealth away from the middle class and into the hands of the […]

Millions of American Face EVICTION in 1 Month! Massive Food Bank Lines All Across U.S.

source Millions of Americans are potentially facing eviction. They haven’t paid their bills and the government doesn’t seem like they’re going to push out some more money to them. This could be extended, the money might be given out. But as of this moment, that isn’t happening. The Fed has been pushing for more government […]