The Money GPS

Companies Dump U.S. Office Space at Rapid Rate! Danger for Big Banks and Derivatives

source / The Money GPS Companies dump US office space at rapid rate | Financial Times Companies dump US office space at rapid rate Companies are dumping record volumes of office space on to the sublease market, flashing a potential warning sign over the long-term health of the office properties that comprise the biggest chunk […]

Peak Stock Market Madness as Margin and Leverage Hit Record High! Valuations 100th Percentile

source / The Money GPS As investors become speculators and casino gamblers become stock speculators, more euphoria has made its way into the financial system. We are seeing a huge uptake in equities, whether through direct stock purchases or through an ETF. More people have been using margin than ever before. The market has become […]

Could Major Risks in Emerging Markets Bring Crisis to U.S? Which Country Is Most Vulnerable?

source / The Money GPS Weakness is pervasive in the global economy. Boarded up stores are so common. Entire industries disrupted. But is there anything that will change this pattern?   EM vulnerability.jpg (1280×510) No Title No Description economies recovering.jpg (974×434) No Title No Description public debt rising fast.jpg (961×479) No Title No Description fx […]