The Money GPS

Food Shortages, Prices Rising, Commodities Up Sends Chilling Warning About Potential Crisis

source / The Money GPS No Title No Description There are serious shortages that are not being discussed but it must be known. Looking at the food prices, commodities, copper, oil they are all rising. Everything is going up and not necessarily for the exact same reason. The point we have is that with an […]

Give Me 7 Minutes and I’ll Prove Google and Government are One Entity! (And More) — Aug 15, 2016

source / The Money GPS These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America – Business Insider These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America This infographic created by Jason at Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes from the same six sources. That’s consolidated from 50 companies back in 1983. […]

Price Rising as Inflationary Spiral Unavoidable! Food Prices Climb as Shortages Hidden!

source / The Money GPS Right now prices are rising at a quickening pace. Housing, food, energy. All at a time in which many are unable to support themselves and their families. The actions of the central banks and governments have dire consequences and it’s actually not understood by the public. More intervention is always […]

The One Indicator Paul Tudor Jones Says Watch Closely! Inflation Picking Up Steam Fast!

source / The Money GPS Mike Wilson from Morgan Stanley had been one of the most accurate analysts in 2020, with perfect timing at both the top and bottom in the earlier part of last year. Recently he has suggested the market is overdue for a correction, stating excesses are clearly present, and either prices […]

Prepare For A Tsunami of Mega Inflation! Central Banks Have Triggered the Wave

source / The Money GPS The Fed has expected their fake inflation measures to finally achieve their goal of 2% or more at some point in the near future. While most developed nations have been unable to achieve anywhere near their inflation targets by printing excessive amounts of fiat garbage currency, that certainly won’t stop […]

The Untold Truth About Money. Inside the Failing Financial System Master Plan – Mini Documentary

source / The Money GPS Welcome to the future. Cash rains from the skies as central banks increase their money printing to never before seen levels. More interest rate reductions swell the never ending thirst for risk. Bubbles form in every direction, causing traditional valuation measures to be discounted entirely. And meanwhile millions remain out […]

Job Losses RISE as Old Economy FALLS Like the Titanic! Fed Warns 2021 QE Taper

source / The Money GPS Economic problems surround us and the stock market is simply ignoring it. The worse things get, the more the Fed will pump the markets. When the Fed is questioned about their actions, it’s always softballs and purposely wasting time to prevent real questions from slipping out. Nobody must question the […]

How Central Banks Will Try To Prevent A Double Dip Recession! Helicopter Money

source / The Money GPS There’s one thing about debt, it continues to rise without question. Over time, there’s more debt. What has been a constant is that since 1980, rates have been declining. When interest rates are lower, financing debt becomes easier. This allows governments to pay back their unbelievably massive debt loads, without […]