The Money GPS

THESE Are Warren Buffett’s 5 Biggest Stocks! Watch As He Calls For Heavy Inflation!

source / The Money GPS Warren Buffett attracts more attention than any other investor on the planet, there’s no doubt. His purchases can completely swing a particular stock. During the Financial Crisis, companies came to Buffett directly to ask for a bailout. That’s how much of a big deal this guy is. Berkshire Hathaway has […]

SHOCKING: 33% of All Income Provided by Government! American Middle Class Will Disappear

source / The Money GPS Household income surged. The mainstream media celebrates. The economy is roaring back to life. Everything is fantastic. Or is it? Digging deeper we can clearly see that the government is now responsible for more than 33% of all income! This is [at] an absurd level that some suggest [is] only […]

Powell Says Markets “Frothy” as Goldman Calls For Biggest Jump in Oil Demand EVER!

source / The Money GPS Jerome Powell, your friend and mine, has reassured the markets that the punch bowl will not be removed any time soon. The markets constantly need to be pacified to keep this excessive over exaggerated trend continuing. Otherwise, money would find its way into less risky bets. But with record low […]

Global Food Prices SOAR to 7 Year High as Shortages Add Additional Strain on Supply Chain!

source / The Money GPS We are seeing higher prices in food and that has a major impact on those with fixed incomes, those who struggle to stay afloat, and of course those with mounting debt. The world is seeing massive multi layered problems and the central banks have offered their solution: More free money […]