
Russia expels 5 Moldovan diplomats after Moldova expelled 5 Russians

Days ago, Moldova expelled 5 Russian diplomats from the country in a move that remains unexplained.
The move incurred the fierce condemnation of Moldovan President Igor Dodon who described the move by his own Foreign Ministry in the following way,

“I want to say that I am deeply embarrassed by this unfriendly step (taken) by the Moldovan diplomatic service and (I) condemn it in the strongest possible terms”.

Moldova at war with itself over expulsion of Russian diplomats

An internal crisis has erupted in Moldova with the country’s President openly disagreeing with a major decision made by Moldova’s Foreign Ministry.
The Foreign Ministry of Moldova recently expelled Russian diplomats in a move that the Russian Foreign Ministry said has nothing to do with Russia but everything to do with Moldova’s internal politics.
Moldova’s President is generally seen as taking a less negative view towards Russia than his predecessor.
President Igor Dodon took to Facebook saying,

Ukrainian regime on verge of creating famine in Transnistria

Not content with blockading Donbass, a blockade was has largely  been a failure do to Donbass’s self sufficiency and border with Russia where aid and food frequently flow in, the Ukrainian regime has now imposed a total foodstuffs blockade against Transnistria.
Transnistria is a small effectively self-governing landlocked entity between the former Soviet Republics of Ukraine and Moldova.
Ever since 1990, Transnistria has considered itself independent of Moldova.

Chisinau to Negotiate Status of Breakaway Transnistria in Moldova in 2017

Sputnik – 04.02.2017 CHISINAU – Moldova’s Prime Minister Pavel Filip stated that the issue of defining the details of the special legal status of the self-declared republic Transnistria as a part of Moldova will be a top priority in 2017 for Chisinau. “In 2017, our main interest is to raise the issue … of elaboration […]

Transnistria and Donbass: Historical Parallels and Possible Similar Scenarios for the Future

By Halyna Mokrushyna | CounterPunch | January 13, 2017 On January 4, President Igor Dodon of Moldova met with Vadim Krasnoselskiy, the head of the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Transnistria). The meeting took place in Bendery, on the right bank of Dniester river, on the territory of the Transnistria. It was initiated by the president […]

National Socialism in Bulgaria and Moldova

The simple fact is that the New World Order is not all-powerful. They are made up of deeply flawed, albeit wealthy, men and women that have become far too used to not hearing from any real opposition. In China, Iran, Syria, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, the Philippines, the US and as of yesterday, Bulgaria and Moldova, this opposition has defeated the oligarchs.