moderate rebels

ALEPPO, SYRIA: Remember Benghazi Before You Buy the Latest Propaganda…

And just when you thought the situation in Syria was entering into a period of peace, negotiation and reconciliation, and that the propaganda and deception might die down for a while. Aleppo now continues to be the focus of a renewed and nasty propaganda war, with US and Western officials claiming the Syrian regime has […]

Syria Airstrikes, the Oil/Gas Heist, Cameron’s Phantom Army & the Myth of the Moderate Fighters…

Weeks now after the ‘Syria Vote’ in UK parliament and the initiation of British bombing against ISIL targets in Syria, the talk has once again – inevitably and predictably – begun to turn back to the ‘Assad Must Go’ script. This was in spite of a brief interval following Russian intervention and the Paris attacks […]

West, Turkey Complicit in Moderate-Terrorist Massacre of Syrian Christian Villagers

The Kessab massacre demonstrates, the so-called «moderate» FSA is an integral and indistinguishable component of the proxy terrorist army that Ankara and its Washington ally are supporting to overthrow the elected government of President Assad. Any difference is patently just a figment of imaginative propaganda. 

by Finian Cunningham