mitch mcconnell

Conditions May Change Before November-- But Likely, Every Change Will Be Worse For Trump, Not Better

Every pollster or prognosticator who concludes that Trump has no path to victory says something to the effect of "but it's a long time until November 3 and things can change." Well, things will change. You don't have to be Nostradamus to figure out that if Trump keeps doing what he's been doing or his whole life, Wyoming, West Virginia, Oklahoma and Mississippi will eventually be battleground states. Yes, things change but there is no reason to imagine that they will change in favor of Trump and the GOP.

Will Kentucky Democrats Shut Down Boss Hogg-- I Mean Boss Schumer?

Schumer picked a slate of miserable status quo Democratic Senate candidates for 2020. Not one of them stands for any change except the superficial change of replacing a corporate Republican with a corporate Democrat. If there's an anti-red wave, some of them will win. They define why there is no blue wave. There's nothing to vote for-- just a series of less-of-two evils races:

Is It Really Possible That History Will Judge Mitch McConnell More Harshly Than Trump?

Yesterday, The Nation published a piece by Jeet Heer, Mitch McConnell Is Even Worse Than Trump, which notes that both are now basically AWOL is the pandemic crisis. While Trump spends his days "stirring up culture-war controversies with the media and Democrats as a way to move the discussion beyond the pandemic and the economic crisis. A distraction strategy makes sense because Trump has effectively given up on crafting any serious policy response to the pandemic.

McConnell Is Literally Making The Pandemic Worse

Kentucky hasn't been hit too hard by the pandemic yet-- just 8,951 confirmed cases-- 2,004 cases per million. The residents are lucky that they have a governor willing to listen to public health experts and not a crackpot right-wing fringe motivated by Trumpist incompetence, personal ambition and dysfunction. The state's senior senator-- actually the junior one too-- aren't taking the pandemic seriously. And the senior senator matters-- he's Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. a self-described Grim Reaper for anything meant to help ordinary working families.

McConnell Is Blocking Simple Non-Financial Aid To The Marijuana Industry... As Though He Were Still Living In The 1950s

As you know by now, on Friday House Democrats (+ Long Island Republican Pete King) passed a $3 trillion HEROES relief bill that is now being assessed by the Republican leaders in the Senate. But what you might not know is that the bill includes provisions for cannabis banking.