minimum wage

New Dem Colleen Hanabusa-- Fighting On The Wrong Side Of The Minimum Wage Battle… As Usual

I have no idea why, but corrupt conservative New Dem Colleen Hanabusa has me on her mailing list. Usually I just delete all the EMILY's List-generated spam she sends out, but this morning I opened one because "minimum wage" was in the subject line. A consistent shill for Big Business and K Street lobbyists, I wanted to see if she was using Republican talking points in her argument. As it turned out, she claimed to be in favor of raising the minimum wage-- just not as much as any other Democrats!

RIP, Sunny John? Here's why a House floor vote on a clean minimum-wage bill should be an urgent priority

If it works for Sunny John, it works for KenAs I've had frequent occasion to note, Howie and I tend to respond to remarkably similar stories, and so it is that while I was still thinking about the hoped-for suicide of Housa Speaker "Sunny John" Boehner, Howie was already asking: "Will Boehner Commit Suicide Over The Minimum Wage?

As you think about kicking in to Ian Welsh, just remember that "Dumb Davy" Brooks gets paid NYT $$$ to write that, er, stuff

by KenI hope it's not news to you that nobody has come anywhere close to figuring out a new working model for providing and paying for content on the Internet, or that the idea that content is and should be "free" has now spilled over into more and more print media.