minimum wage

Meet SAM, Brick Laying Robot That Does The Work Of 6 Humans

(ZHE) In the latest installment of Zero Hedge’s “Dear Bernie” series, posts intended to inform the Vermont Senator about the unintended, negative consequences of minimum wage hikes, we present SAM (Semi-Automated Mason), a brick laying robot designed and engineered by Construction Robotics out of New York. While SAM can do the work of 6 unionized masons each day, he never requires a break, benefits or a paycheck.

Will The First Bill Trump Signs Be A GOP Crusade Against Overtime Pay?

We just spent over a year explaining why Hillary Clinton, an avatar of the status quo, would be a terrible nominee for the Democratic Party. But that isn't what this post is about. This post is about why Donald Trump is a terrible choice of president for the United States of America. Kellyanne's quote above gets into it a bit.

Whether He Releases Them Or Not, The Trumpanzee Tax Saga Is A Window Into His Character And Fitness For Office

Mike Pence was on Meet the Press yesterday and said "Donald Trump and I are both going to release our tax returns. I'll release mine in the next week." Yes? Yes? And what about your crooked boss? When will his returns be released. No news there. Pence reiterated the dishonest excuse Señor Trumpanzee has been giving all along for not releasing his tax returns.

A Republican Bill To Impose A $4.25 Minimum Wage On Puerto Rico Just Passed

Thursday the House passed, HR 5279, the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act, 297-127. All but two dozen Democrats reluctantly voted for it, allowing it to pass in the face of opposition from 103 rabid right-wing Republicans who were prepared to let Puerto Rico descend into chaos and misery.