minimum wage

The Politics Behind Raising The Minimum Wage

As you probably noticed, progressives have been up in arms because Steve Israel and the DCCC have recruited Jennifer Garrison, "the Sarah Palin of Ohio," to run for Congress… as a Democrat. Most of the complaints have come from women's groups over Garrison's fanatic anti-Choice history and from LGBT groups because of her similarly fanatic history as an anti-gay crusader. Having been in the state legislature she has a long and sordid record on these, as well as environmental and ethical issues.

Are The Beltway Democrats Serious About Raising The Minimum Wage This Time?

When the Democrats controlled the White House, the House and, briefly, the Senate, did they raise the minimum wage to the point where someone could call it a living wage? Not that I recall. But now that they know it's impossible to do because of an obstructionist Republican Congress-- and with the midterm election campaigns kicking off-- they're making a loud ruckus.

Minimum Wage-- Should The Kochs' Lifeless Bodies Be Dragged Through The Streets Behind The Chariot Of A Tribune Of The People?

The video above isn't about the Minimum Wage. It's about the Tea Party world view. You should watch it. It pretty much explains why the country's politics are so screwed up. I don't think Bachmann is consciously lying, although almost nothing she's saying has any relationship to objective truth-telling. I think she's just ignorant, ignorant of the most basic facts she's warbling about to the fringe loons and bigots who pay any attention to her. As you know, President Obama doesn't have a magic wand to wave, not literally or even figuratively.

How Do You Figure Out Who To Vote For? How Do You Figure Out Where Politicians Stand On Ed Snowden?

The easiest-- and laziest-- way to vote without following exactly what our political elites are doing every day, is to just vote against all Republicans and for all Democrats. It's certainly what Democratic Party leaders like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Steve Israel, Steny Hoyer and Michael Bennet want you to be...