
Ecce Mortis: Sexy Dancers Groovin’ to The War

The Company Gym. Buff bodies.  Faces taut with grim determination.  Diets optimized by scientific know-it-all know-how proven computer-charted-and-corrected scientific method.  Belief systems built on strong foundations of clinical experimentation repeated for accuracy under stress-increased conditions, peer-reviewed.
Hard labor builds hard selves.

Covering Homeland’s Scripted Unpleasant White Supremacy

The series Homeland is now in its third season. Apparently the once flagship drama for Showtime, has hit the ratings skids this season, but not critically, and that remains troubling. This is an overtly, nakedly, proudly, racist bit of police state propaganda. That’s in no way hyperbole. The show never misses a chance to stigmatize the standard villains of the day (as if Dick Cheney, Bibi Netanyahu, and Eric Holder were script advisers), while valorizing and justifying torture, entrapment, illegal surveillance (I know, quaint idea), and racial profiling.

America’s Rampage through the Middle East

I read that six thousand people have been killed by sectarian violence so far this year in Iraq, surely a good rough measure of what America’s invasion achieved there. In Afghanistan, America’s chosen man publicly disagrees with America’s ideas of what withdrawal means, how many occupying American forces should remain, and the role the Taleban should play. Killing remains a daily occurrence, including regular instances of American special forces murdering civilians, drugs flow freely through the country and out to the world, and most women still are forced to wear the burka.

Gunmen, Terrorists, Rebels, Soldiers, Patriots, Freedom Fighters

Anyway you want to slice it, it comes down to the same thing. Usually it’s a young boy/man with a gun.  Or a bazooka. Or an explosive. Depending upon the delivery system or the target, he’s either a brave pilot or a crazed suicide bomber.
And they’re all trained to kill. And equipped to do so.
Support our troops. Support our gunmen. Support our terrorists. Support our guns.

America’s Deep State Waging Absurd Wars

Could there be any connection between the size of those corporate profits and Washington’s patriotic dedication to eternal warfare? That great transfer of wealth helps explain how the gap between rich and poor in America has become an ever widening canyon. The financial dynamics of war-making are rarely mentioned in connection with America’s woes but from the profiteer’s point of view widening income inequality might be seen as a contribution to national security.