
Thinking the Right Thoughts

There are always convenient news-hooks on which corporate journalists can hang their power-friendly prejudices about the West being ‘the good guys’ in world affairs. Channel 4 News is not immune from this chauvinism. For example, Matt Frei introduced a report about last month’s elections in Iraq with this propaganda bullet:

Now, America once invaded Iraq so that, in large part, Iraqis could do what they did today – go to the polls. (Channel 4 News, April 30, 2014)

New Killer Bees — DARPA, Harvard, the Elite and Drones

Reading the words of Felicity Arbuthnot and the culture of murder by decree, by political affirmation, through the international bodies of the dead, the UN, the leaders who eat babies at birth, with the flick of a pen, and with the stealth of billion-dollar bombers, or the guided propaganda or hand-to-hand instruction of the School of Murder, Inc., and she puts it right in the bullseye of a warped world of sick awards and accolades.

Russia’s Red Line to NATO Encroachment

Western corporate media and the White House have dissimulated Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland’s boast of a $5 Billion contribution to the illegal overthrow of Ukraine’s elected government, blaming Russian aggression rather than Western duplicity and illegality. However, correspondence has come to light which demonstrates that the US Administration was aware to the last detail exactly what the ramifications of their actions would be in Ukraine.