Military Complex

Pentagon Seeks $300 Million in Weapons for 65,000 US-Backed Forces in Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — While US “relief funds” are frozen in Syria, the Pentagon continues to seek massive amounts of funding for its military operations in the country. This includes a request for $300 million in weapons to give to “partner forces” in Syria. This amounts to enough arms for 65,000 fighters. This is expected to center on the Syrian […]

Trump Ignores Two Major Deadlines for Reporting Civilians Killed by US Military

(CD) — The Trump administration on Tuesday flouted two major deadlines for disclosing the number of civilians killed by U.S. military forces: one public report that was mandated by an Obama-era executive order and focused on drone strike deaths; and one report to Congress that is supposed to detail all civilian deaths tied to U.S. military operations. […]

No Longer Obsolete, NATO Acts as Trump’s Lapdog

(MEE) — US President Donald Trump has proven that it only takes 100 missiles to win over an elite. The latest US-led attack on Syria was swiftly applauded by NATO. The readiness to endorse that show of force could be interpreted as an improvement in relations. During his election campaign, Trump had dismissed the alliance as “obsolete”. That insult caused a degree of consternation among […]

Commander of US Troops in Syria Makes “Secret and Unprecedented” Visit to Israel

(ZHE) — Increasingly it appears that the recent US coalition missile strikes on Syria have utterly backfired: instead of weakening Syria or degrading its military capabilities, the attack may have actually served to strengthen Syria’s defenses. Since the massive strike which involved the US, UK, and France launching over 100 cruise missiles, Russia is rumored to be moving forward on delivery […]

Average American Taxpayer Sent $3,456 to the Pentagon Last Year

(CD) — As Americans rushed to pay their taxes on Tuesday before the official deadline, peace groups reminded the public of the uncomfortable fact that an “astronomical amount” of the money sent to the IRS each year goes not to funding education or a single-payer healthcare system the U.S. supposedly can’t afford, but straight into the bloated coffers […]

US Intelligence Veterans Urge Trump to Seek Evidence Before Attacking Syria

(CN) — In this memo to the White House, the Veteran Intelligence Professions for Sanity urge President Trump to get the evidence first before deciding to strike Syria. MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity SUBJECT: Evidence Required for Military Decision on Syria Mr. President, We the undersigned Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity join a […]

Russian Jets ‘Harass’ US Navy Destroyer Armed With Tomahawks Off Syrian Coast

(ZHE) — As the situation in Syria continues to escalate, guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook has weighed anchor off Syrian territorial waters, and is reportedly being “harassed” by low-flying Russian warplanes, which have buzzed the “Arleigh Burke” class warship at least four times according to CNN Turk.  Of note, the USS Donald Cook has 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles on board. It […]

10 Massive Reasons to Oppose John Bolton

(CD) — Let’s not mince words: John Bolton is a war-monger and his appointment to be Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor is a threat to global security. Bolton advocates a foreign policy that exaggerates threats, belittles diplomacy, shows contempt for international institutions and is quick to use violence. The National Security Advisor position does not need […]

Neocons Are Back With a Record Military Budget Amid Rumors of World War

(RPI Op-ed) — On Friday, President Trump signed the omnibus spending bill for 2018. The $1.3 trillion bill was so monstrous that it would have made the biggest spender in the Obama Administration blush. The image of leading Congressional Democrats Pelosi and Schumer grinning and gloating over getting everything they wanted — and then some — will likely […]

All the Countries John Bolton Wants America to Go to War With

(GPA) — US President Donald Trump announced last week that he’d be replacing his National Security Adviser, General H.R. McMaster – a hawk; but a pragmatic hawk – with notorious bloodthirsty lunatic, John Bolton. Bolton is a man who has not only endorsed some of the worst US war crimes in the last 30 years but also continues to […]