Military Complex

John Kerry Shocker: Says Iran ‘Helpful’ in Fight Against ISIS in Iraq

(ANTIWARThroughout the US occupation of Iraq from 2003-2011, the US regularly blamed Iran every time the war was going poorly, even though both they and Iran were backing the same Shi’ite-dominated government. In the early going of the ISIS war in Iraq, the US has often complained about Iran’s involvement, even though again, they are on the same side.

6 Crazy Things Trump Said He’d Do That the Government Is Already Doing

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) As Americans cope with the possibility Donald J. Trump may soon be the next president of the United States, many have adopted the mindset that — because #NeverTrump — they must support Hillary Clinton’s bid for power. While this approach is flawed because Hillary Clinton is a reviled, corrupt war criminal and profiteer, resisting Trump’s looming fascism is doomed to fail for another reason: the United States government already does many of the most heinous things Trump has proposed.

Surprised Bernie Sanders Just Said He’s Voting for Hillary? You Shouldn’t Be

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) “Secretary Clinton has a number of Super PACs. One of her Super PACs recently reported that they raised $25 million from special interests — $15 million from Wall Street, alone. Now, every candidate in the history of the world, Democrat, Republican, when they receive huge amounts of money from Wall Street, or the drug companies, or the fossil fuel industries, what they always say: ‘Not gonna impact me.’ And our question is: if it’s not going to impact their decisions, why would Wall Street be spending $15 million?”

Read This Before The Government Uses the Orlando Shooting to Start Another War

(ANTIMEDIA) Late Thursday evening, the Wall Street Journal reported, 51 State Department officials signed a statement condemning U.S. policy in Syria in which they repeatedly call for “targeted military strikes against the Damascus government and urging regime change as the only way to defeat Islamic State.”

Here’s What You Need to Know About the Cold War 2.0…Because It’s Already Here

(ANTIMEDIA) Russia — As mainstream media attention largely focuses on complex entanglements destabilizing the Middle East, the United States continues to advance a rather aggressive agenda against Russia through its NATO allies in the Balkans and beyond. While an amassing of NATO troops in states bordering the U.S.’ Cold War foe might be troubling news in itself, an examination of several factors provides ample reason for vigilance.

Only 10 Countries in the Entire World Are Not Currently at War

(ANTIMEDIA) United States — A troubling report by the Institute for Economics and Peace found a mere ten nations on the planet are not at war and completely free from conflict. According to the Global Peace Index 2016, only Botswana, Chile, Costa Rica, Japan, Mauritius, Panama, Qatar, Switzerland, Uruguay and Vietnam are free from conflict.