Military Complex

Saudi Official Threatens That US 9/11 Bill Would “Fuel Extremeism”

(ANTIWARThe Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) has been unanimously passed in both the House and Senate, and is facing a veto from President Obama which could easily produce the first successful override of his presidency. The bill allows American victims of 9/11 to sue Saudi Arabia over its support for 9/11 plotters in court.

US and Israel Just Signed The Biggest Military Aid Deal In History

(MEEThe United States made its biggest pledge of military aid in history on Wednesday, promising Israel $38bn over 10 years to buy advanced planes and weaponry and boost its missile defence shield.
Israel’s acting national security adviser Jacob Nagel and US Under-Secretary of State Tom Shannon signed the deal at the State Department, bringing to an end months of wrangling over the details of the package.