Military Complex

Journalist Who Blew Lid off War Crimes: CIA Fighting ‘Parallel’ War in Afghanistan — Exclusive

(ANTIMEDIA) Nicky Hager is a ground-breaking investigative journalist and best-selling author. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh once said of him: “Nicky Hager has more knowledge and understanding of the American intelligence world in Afghanistan — both its good and its very bad points — than any reporter I know.”

U.S. Fighter Jets Intercept Two Russian Tactical Bombers 100 Miles Away From Alaska

(ZHE) The U.S. Air Force scrambled two F-22 stealth fighters on Monday night to intercept a pair of Russian nuclear-capable bombers which came as close as 100 miles from Alaska’s Kodiak Island, Fox reports. This was the first time since President Trump took office that Moscow has sent bombers so close to the U.S.

Democracy to Dictatorship: Turkey’s Erdogan Defends “Democratic” Power Grab

(ANTIMEDIA) Turkey — Turkey’s President Erdogan is firing back against those accusing him of trying to become a dictator. From a Reuters report on Monday:
“A defiant Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan denounced the West’s ‘crusader mentality’ Monday after European monitors criticized a referendum to grant him sweeping new powers, won with a narrow victory laying bare the nation’s divisions.”

Why the Fed Hasn’t Been Audited Even Though Most Americans Want it to Happen

(RPIAudit the Fed recently took a step closer to becoming law, when it was favorably reported by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. This means the House could vote on the bill at any time. The bill passed by voice vote without any objections, although Fed defenders did launch hysterical attacks on the bill during the debate as well as at a hearing on the bill the previous week.