Military Complex

Pentagon Wants US Troops in Afghanistan Closer to Front Lines

(ANTIWAR.COMIn among the Pentagon plans of sending 3,000 to 5,000 more US ground troops into Afghanistan, they are also looking at getting future unilateral control over US troop levels in the country. Even that isn’t the end of it, as reports yesterday have them redefining the US “advisory” mission to put the troops closer to the front lines.

Survivors Describe US Airstrike That Killed Hundreds in Mosul

(ANTIWAR.COMOn March 17, US airstrikes leveled three buildings in Mosul’s Old City, killing hundreds of civilians within. The official death toll is still not totally clear, but all told was well in excess of 200, and close to 300 according to some accounts. The Pentagon version is that they were responsible for 14 deaths.