Military Complex

Putin Cements 50-Year Military Presence in Syria with Russian Air Base Deal

(MEE) — Vladimir Putin has signed a law ratifying a deal with the Syrian government allowing Russia to keep its air base in Syria for almost half a century, official documents show.
The original deal, signed in Damascus in January, sets out the terms under which Russia can use its Hmeimim air base in Lattakia Province which it has used to carry out air strikes against forces opposing President Bashar al-Assad.

Neocons Declare ‘War on Terror’ a Failure but Totally Miss the Point

(GPA) — An influential neoconservative US think-tank has released a publication declaring the post-9/11 War on Terror a complete failure. The report outlines a new era of US foreign policy for combating the global “terror” network by redefining the enemy as “Salafi-jihad.” But of course, real causes and solutions are completely ignored.