Military Complex

McMaster: US Prepared to Launch ‘Preventative War’ Against North Korea

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Continuing to hype the threat posed by North Korea, despite their two ICBM tests being eventually conceded to both be failures, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster insisted that the US is fully prepared to launch a “preventative war” against North Korea, to prevent them threatening the US.

Pentagon Plans Massive Global War Game to Prepare for Russia and Other Threats

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Continuing to envision the new Cold War with Russia both as a ticket for ongoing increases in military spending and a convenient way to coax regional allies into complicated alliances, the Pentagon is increasingly interested in building its war games across broad global conflicts, and in particular a war with Russia.

John McCain is a Harbinger of Death, Stop Calling Him a Hero

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz) was recently diagnosed with glioblastoma, a serious form of brain cancer. In preparation for the inevitable end to McCain’s life, career, and legacy — whether he succumbs to cancer or old age — the mainstream media has come out in full force to educate us about the major lessons we should take away from McCain’s illustrious lifelong accomplishments.