
Mental Health Outcomes Tied to “Other Outcomes”

You didn’t need to hear it from me that the USA is subjected to some of the most insane and inhumane policies tied to the criminal injustice system; tied to mass public K12 education; and corporate overlording; or anti-union activities; also to taxation; or finance; and health care; tied to infrastructure care; or tied to […]
The post Mental Health Outcomes Tied to “Other Outcomes” first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Israel, US start week of military drills involving thousands of troops, nuclear bombers

RT | January 23, 2023 The US and Israeli militaries began their largest-ever joint exercise on Monday, seeking to hone seamless coordination of their forces and prove a point to Iran about their readiness to fight a conflict in the Middle East even as Washington juggles rising tensions with Russia and China. “I do think […]

Are demands that Scholz green-light export of Leopard 2 tanks more about hurting Germany than helping Ukraine?

eugyppius: a plague chronicle | January 22, 2023 In 1952, Hastings Ismay famously remarked that the purpose of NATO is “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in and the Germans down,” and the war in Ukraine has made it very hard to doubt that he was wrong. From the Neue Zürcher Zeitung: The Ukraine needs […]

The New York Times is Orwell’s Ministry of Truth

Ingsoc. The sacred principles of ingsoc. Newspeak, double-speak, the mutability of the past. – George Orwell, 1984 As today dawned, I was looking out the window into the cold grayness with small patches of snow littering the frozen ground.  As light snow began to fall, I felt a deep mourning in my soul as a […]
The post The New York Times is Orwell’s Ministry of Truth first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Strong Militaries, Weak Society: The Missing Story in the Global Firepower Ranking

The Global Firepower ranking was published on January 6. The annual report classifies the world’s strongest militaries based on over 60 factors, including size, spending and technological advancements. The report, which placed the United States military on top, followed by Russia, China, India and the UK, raised more questions than answers, with some accusing GFP, […]

JFK and America’s Destiny Betrayed

A Review of DiEugenio’s “Foreign Policy Coup” Theory BY LAURENT GUYÉNOT • UNZ REVIEW • JANUARY 21, 2023 I have watched Oliver Stone’s documentary on the assassination of JFK, both the short version, JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, and the long version in four episodes, JFK: Destiny Betrayed. I recommend the latter, which I will discuss […]

A Taiwan bloodbath might suit US decision-makers just fine

Wargames point to heavy losses in a conflict with China, but that’s unlikely to discourage America’s war advocates By Tony Cox | RT | January 21, 2023 Most sane human beings would shudder to think about the carnage that would result from a US-China war over Taiwan. For the warmongers and military-industrial-complex profiteers in Washington, […]

Russian State Duma Speaker calls for Angela Merkel and François Hollande to be put on trial

VOLTAIRE NETWORK | JANUARY 19, 2023 Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin has called for an international military trial, similar to the one held in Nuremberg, to prosecute former German Chancellor Merkel and former French President Francois Hollande. “Confessions made by the representative of the Kiev regime and the former leaders of Germany and France […]

Macron Unveils Massive Military Expansion Plan Amid Nationwide Strike Over Neoliberal Budget Cuts

Samizdat – 20.01.2023 French President Emmanuel Macron revealed his plans to dramatically increase military and intelligence spending on Friday, saying French forces need to “reform and transform” amid the conflict in Ukraine, where NATO forces are supporting the Ukrainians. The announcement comes as 1 million people march against de facto budget cuts. Macron’s proposed new … … Continue reading →

WikiLeaks cables reveal NATO intended to cross all Russian red lines

By Drago Bosnic | January 20, 2023 For nearly a year, the massive Western propaganda machine has been manipulating its audience into believing the “Russia’s unprovoked aggression in Ukraine” narrative. The “reporting” can be crudely boiled down to the following: “On February 24, bloodthirsty Kremlin dictator Putin got up on the wrong side of the … … Continue reading →