Mike Obermueller

BREAKING: Steve Israel May Actually Let The DCCC Try To Beat A Republican Committee Chairman!

I've been very excited about how the MoveOn/PPP polls show all those Republican committee chairs who Steve Israel tries to give free reelection passes to are vulnerable because of their support for shutting down the government. Israel only knows how to go up against hapless backbenchers and leaves the evil-doers alone. Opponents to Republican policymakers like Buck McKeon, Paul Ryan, Darrell Issa, Fred Upton, Mike Rogers, etc get no support from the DCCC.

John Kline (R-MN) Wants To Make A Deal-- Balance The Budget By Reducing Social Security Benefits

Kline hates everyone-- young and old!Steve Israel was never a businessman-- nor a farmer. He's always worked in politics. He doesn't know how to make long term plans or how to initiative and follow through on long term goals. He can't see beyond the quarter or, off on his furthest horizon, the cycle. And the DCCC chair isn't the only near-sighted Democrat in power. The whole party is blinkered by strategists who never see the value of long-term planning.

Republicans Led By John Kline (R-MN) Voted Down Elizabeth Warren's Plan To Lower Student Interest Rates

After watching him as a freshman senator, I never believed Obama would be a vehicle for Hope and Change. I voted for him in 2008 anyway. I couldn't force myself to do it again last November. Elizabeth Warren, on the other hand, is someone who I have actually bought into right from the start. I donated to her campaign and helped promote her cause. This week, her first proposed legislation has made me-- and thousands of others across the country who backed her-- proud.