Mike Huckabee

Conservatives Have Always Had A Problem With Women

Boehner was so proud yesterday that he picked a girl to give one of the god-knows-how-many "official" Republican responses to the State of the Union message. He seems delusional enough to think that women voters will flock to the GOP because he named some obscure woman congressmember from rural northeast Washington who votes with the Republican patriarchs on everything.

Looks Like Huckabee Missed Those RNC Classes On How Republicans Should Talk To About The Ladies

This week, a 20-year old woman in Subalpur in West Bengal was sentenced to be gang raped by the sick, deranged conservatives who run her village. The village chief and the 13 rapists were arrested yesterday. After she couldn't pay a 25,000 rupee fine ($459) for dating a Muslim man, the village council decreed she be raped.