
Quitte ou Double : la Turquie d'Erdogan

Alors que la Turquie s'affirme de plus en plus sur la scène internationale, les tensions avec ses alliés traditionnels sont à un paroxysme. Comment expliquer l'attitude cavalière d'Ankara sous Erdogan ? La Turquie a-t-elle ce qu'il faut pour devenir une importante puissance régionale ? Dans ce segment tiré de l'épisode 9, Benjamin Tremblay expose les enjeux géopolitiques autour du réalignement de la (...)


Border Crisis Update: 80% of Girls and Women Migrants Raped, Baby Tossed in River, and Migrants Held Under a Bridge

Over 100,000 people cross the US-Mexico border each month, which includes 565 children crossing every day. In 2017, an investigation revealed that 80% of girls and women crossing the border through Mexico are raped or sexually assaulted. The media is silent on the topic of child sex trafficking.

LESBOS : immersion au cœur de la submersion migratoire

Loin des clichés habituels des médias, le reportage de Paronym dévoile la face cachée des camps de migrants. Habitants abandonnés, ONG désabusées, migrants agressifs et nonchalants, Eno Alias et son équipe révèlent au grand jour ce que de nombreux médias n'osent dévoiler : la submersion migratoire est bien réélle, et les migrants faisant la traverser sont très peu nombreux à "fuir la guerre". L'INTERVIEW LE REPORTAGE COMPLET

Tribune Libre


Covid-19 and the Idea of India: Manish Thakur and Nabanipa Bhattacharjee

Guest post by MANISH THAKUR and NABANIPA BHATTACHARJEE Much has already been said and written about the plight of the migrants during the lockdown necessitated by the current Covid-19 outbreak in India. The visual images of their endless walk – which reminds us of the flight of Partition refugees – in their desperate bid to … Continue reading Covid-19 and the Idea of India: Manish Thakur and Nabanipa Bhattacharjee →

Is This How Europe Ends?

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via Buchanan.org:
“Fortress Europe is an illusion.”
So declares the Financial Times in the closing line of its Saturday editorial: “Europe Cannot Ignore Syrian Migrant Crisis.”
The FT undertakes to instruct the Old Continent on what its duty is and what its future holds: “The EU will face flows of migrants and asylum seekers across the Mediterranean for decades to come.”
Can Europe not repel this unwanted home invasion from the Global South?

Greek PM to CNN, “We have every right to protect our sovereign borders” (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ interview with CNN on Friday.
The Greek Prime Minister told CNN that “right now, let’s be honest, the [EU-Turkey] agreement is dead, and it’s dead because Turkey has decided to completely violate the agreement because of what happened in Syria.”