
Immigration harms the unprotected Americans

By Peggy NoonanWall Street Journal • February 27, 2016 p. A11Editor’s Note: Miss Noonan is increasingly going off the Wall Street reservation to advocate for the American people and Trump-style populism. In this excerpt from her latest column she shows that stopping migrants, refugees and further immigration are not the human rights issue that the media Right and Left portray it.

With more refugees expected, Europe needs to get a grip

It was like a scene from the film Titanic – the great and the good looked concerned and talked earnestly about impending doom over canapés while cosseted in the luxury and wealth to which they’ve become accustomed.
Elsewhere, out of sight, the poorest were locked away in the bowels of the disintegrating wreck, suffering and dying, almost forgotten as the rich searched for a lifeboat to rescue them from their responsibilities.

With more refugees expected, Europe needs to get a grip

It was like a scene from the film Titanic – the great and the good looked concerned and talked earnestly about impending doom over canapés while cosseted in the luxury and wealth to which they’ve become accustomed.
Elsewhere, out of sight, the poorest were locked away in the bowels of the disintegrating wreck, suffering and dying, almost forgotten as the rich searched for a lifeboat to rescue them from their responsibilities.

Qui finance donc les « no borders » ? Des « anarchistes » à la solde de l’oligarchie

Depuis quelques jours, et notamment depuis l’altercation qui a opposé une famille de Calaisiens et un groupe hétéroclite de migrants et d’activistes politiques (dont certains affiliés au NPA), impossible de ne pas entendre parler, que ce soit via les médias traditionnels ou via l’Internet et les réseaux soci

Manipulation : une vidéo égyptienne illustrant les évènements de Cologne pour servir le choc des civilisations

Gare à la manipulation !

Tout aussi préoccupantes que soient les agressions sexuelles de masse survenues à Cologne le soir de la dernière Saint-Sylvestre, il nous paraît important d’alerter ici sur les dérives d’un jeu malsain et dangereux qui consisterait à forcer toujours plus le trait de cette « guerre de civilisation » prophétisée par nos élites.