
Mexican Official: Trump’s Plan To Deport Non-Mexicans To Mexico Is A ‘Non-Starter’

Detainees sleep in a holding cell at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection processing facility, Wednesday, June 18, 2014, in Brownsville,Texas. (AP/Eric Gay, Pool)
(REPORT) — Mexican officials have flatly rejected the Trump administration’s plan to deport to Mexico migrants caught illegally crossing the U.S. southern border, regardless of nationality.

Huge Crowds Gather In Spain To Demand Conservative Gov. Take In More Refugees

Thousands of people march to demand Spain’s government to increase its efforts to take in refugees who have fled the war in Syria and other violent conflicts in Barcelona, Spain, Saturday, Feb. 18, 2017. Spain has taken in just 1,100 refugees of the over 17,000 it has pledged to accept. Banner reads in Catalan: “Enough Excuses! Take Them In Now!”. (AP/Manu Fernandez)

‘UK would grind to a halt without migrants’, say economists as thousands celebrate their contribution

The UK economy would lose £328m – or four per cent of total UK daily GDP – if migrants stopped working for the day, according to new research. It comes as tens of thousands of people take part in a national day of action to celebrate migrants’ contribution
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‘No Real Drop’ in Net Migration – Claims New ‘Brexit Think Tank’

21st Century Wire says…
A new report has emerged from a think-tank suggesting that Brexit voters may not see the decline in immigration that they voted for.
‘Global Future’ estimates that total net immigration could fall by no more than 15% annually, after Brexit. Future free trade deals with non-EU countries suggests even this reduction could be wiped out altogether.
More on this report from The Guardian…

LGBT Groups Speak Out Against Trump’s ‘Bigotry Screening’ For Muslims

The LGBT Congressional Staff Association, the Congressional Muslim Staff Association, and members of Congress gather for a prayer and moment of silence on the steps of the Capitol in Washington, Monday, June 13, 2016.
(REPORT) — LGBT groups in the US have accused President Donald Trump of “concern trolling” over measures introduced to screen migrants for bigotry and negative attitudes to homosexuality which they say are intended to stoke discrimination against Muslims.

Madeline Albright tells MSNBC that foreign policy is all about giving an “egg mess to the President”

Madeline Albright talking about showing kindness to refugees. How ironic.
The same woman who spearheaded the breakup of Yugoslavia, and pushed for NATO’s attack on Serbia, killing thousands of innocent civilians in the heart of Europe.
The same woman who took pride in the death of half a million Iraqi children.
MSNBC will of course give Albright a platform to express her views, but her credibility when it comes to human rights and diplomacy, instead of war and suffering, is beyond suspect.

Doctors Without Borders: French Police Harass Migrants, Even Steal Blankets

Migrants are pushed back by police officers as they wait to board buses to temporary shelters in Paris, Friday, Nov. 4, 2016. (AP/Thibault Camus)
(REPORT) — Police in Paris have been engaging in “systematic … violence” that includes endangering migrants’ lives by stealing their blankets in the middle of winter, according to international charitable group Doctors Without Borders – known commonly by its French acronym, MSF.

An Ocean Apart, But United In Concerns About Hate Crimes

The English Defence League marches in Newcastle calling for the repatriation of immigrants in the wake of the EU referendum vote. (Photo: Twitter)
(ANALYSIS) — A divisive vote, with jobs and immigrants the most combustible issues. An outcome that surprised the experts. A nation left on edge, with many anxious about intolerance and the violence that can stem from it.