Migrant Crime

170 Migrants Settle in Posh Paris Neighborhood to the Dismay of Its Wealthy Residents

Some residents in a posh neighborhood in Paris have objected to a new migrant settlement built nearby. It is the 34th time in three years that roadside tent communities have been uprooted and moved, but thousands of people continue living in makeshift tents along the canals. More than 500 new asylum seekers arriving in the capital every week.  Oddly, no one mentioned deportation and closing the borders as a solution. [...]

France: A Dozen Teenagers Brutally Killed a Migrant Citizen in Broad Daylight

A group of a dozen teenagers beat a man to death in broad daylight in a high crime urban area where many migrants reside in Southern France. The victim was a 32-year old drug dealer who was known to be violent and migrated to France from West Africa. It is unknown whether the children were migrants; they averaged in age from 12 to 14 and were reported to be troublemakers. Three people have been arrested. [...]

Finland Court Rules Sex with a 10-Year Old Girl Is Not Rape

Finland’s Supreme Court upheld the three-year prison term sentence for the rape of a ten-year old girl by a 23-year old asylum seeker, Juusuf Muhamed Abbudin, whose country of origin was withheld. The man had sexual intercourse with the girl in the yard of a deserted apartment block. The court didn’t recognize the incident as rape, saying the girl wasn’t forced into the sexual act or overcome by fear. The judges ordered the man to pay the child $3,600. [...]

New York: DACA Illegal Alien Threatens to Shoot Up High School

The Rochester Police Department arrested Abigail Hernandez, a 21-year-old DACA illegal alien, for threatening to shoot up a school in upstate New York, using a fake social media account. Hernandez wrote on the East High School Facebook page: “I’m coming tomorrow morning and I’m going to shoot all of ya bitches.” A shot gun was found at her home. Only 4% of DACA illegal aliens have completed a college education. 25%are functionally illiterate in the English language. [...]

Whistleblower Cop Exposes Migrant Rape Crimes in Sweden

Sweden: Police officer, Peter Springare, was reported to his superiors and is likely to be investigated for saying the country's gang-rape problem is linked to migration and is a "cultural phenomenon". Last year, Springare blew the whistle on migrant crime when he said that almost all serious crimes are committed by migrants. For this, he has been labeled a racist. Incidentally, ethnicity is hidden in the crime statistics. [...]

Another German Town Bans New Migrants Following Violence

Cottbus, a small university center with just over 100,000 residents, has taken in around 3,000 asylum seekers since German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the country to refugees in 2015. Several incidents of violence and a growing sentiment against immigration has led to the ban. Cottbus joins the towns of Salzgitter, Delmenhorst, and Wilhelmshaven in prohibiting new migrants. [...]

Rape Reports Up By 400% in Sweden’s Capital Since 1996

Sweden's Crime Prevention Council estimates there were 7,200 rapes reported to the police in 2017, an increase of 10% over the past year. The increase of rape reports in Sweden’s capital Stockholm rose by 29% last year and, when compared with 1996, the increase is a staggering 400%. Migrants from Muslim countries commit 84% of violent rapes. While the government and law enforcement try to coverup the data, it reveals that the majority of rapes occur in cities heavily populated by migrants. [...]