Michael Owens

The Same Reasons Why Primaries Are So Important, Are The Reasons Anti-Democracy Creeps Like Cheri Bustos Hate Them

On Monday, Georgia progressive Michael Owens penned a post for Daily Kos on a topic that should be familiar to all DWT readers by now-- DCCC Incumbent Protection Policy Threatens a Progressive Congressional Race in Georgia. The DCCC policy of stifling primaries isn't new, but under Cheri Bustos they're pursuing it openly-- and with a vengeance.

Cheri Bustos Has Got To Go

I'm not sure how much of this is bravado, but almost all the progressives challenging reactionary Democratic incumbents for congressional seats this cycle, have been telling me Bustos' new DCCC anti-primary policy has actually been helping them! One told me that dislike for the policy and for the DCCC in general has sparked grassroots fundraising. Yesterday I had a long talk with Georgia progressive, Michael Owens, who is announcing his primary against corrupt Blue Dog David Scott in the morning.