Michael Grimm

A Dream Deferred-- Will Mikey Suits Grimm Have To Resign While He's In Prison Or Can He Continue Serving?

When Federal Judge Pamela Chen set Staten Island Mafia thug Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm (R-NY) for December 1, she shattered one of my fondest hopes for the 2014 cycle. I had hoped against hope that the angry, low-info, Foxified voters of Staten Island and Bay Ridge would do themselves proud by reelecting a crooked congressman who was residing in a federal penitentiary.

Severe Establishment Disruption Among New York's Grubby Ruling Elite?

The DCCC usually makes mediocre ads-- or worse. They hire over-paid, overly-cautious consultants who only care about one thing: the next job they can get. The video above, however… that's a decent ad. And the DCCC started running it today-- part of a $950,000 investment in anti-Grimm broadcast ads on Staten Island and the parts of south Brooklyn that are part of NY-11 (Bay Ridge, Bensonhurst, Dyker Heights, Bath Beach, Sheepshead Bay, Gravesend, right up to the border of Midwood).

Not All Republican Politicians Are Criminals… But There Is A Certain Tendency

There isn't much good the Democrats can say about Domenic Recchia, their "business-oriented" candidate to replace Staten Island mafia figure Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm. The 20 criminal indictments against Grimm have caused the national Republican Establishment to abandon him and write off his seat. But Staten Island Republicans don't know what all the fuss is about.

Doesn't Carlos Danger need a better name than "Rockaway Restoration Kitchen" for his entry into the restaurant world?

Does it get any more macho? Well, it might if Anthony W didn't look like he just found out he inadvertently sent a penis picture to the pope. Meanwhile, Mikey S looks like he just threatened to throw the pope off his balcony."To be frank, Weiner would not be the first scandal-ridden New York pol to have tried his hand at the restaurant business. Rep.

Grimmer and Grimmer In Staten Island As A Desperate Mikey Suits Unfurls The GOP Racism Banner

Last week, the biggest, baddest news in the NY-11 election campaign was about how the indicted Mafioso incumbent, Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm, had seen his campaign funding dry up-- a big problem since he's been using his campaign donations to finance his legal case and his fight for a plea bargain that will include only minimal prison tim

Sad: No Other Politicians Walked With Indicted Criminal Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm In The Memorial Day Parade

Mikey Suits used to get funnier headlinesAnything you read about Staten Island Mafia figure/Republican Congressman Michael Grimm is a part of a carefully staged and choreographed production that is leading inexorably to his plea bargain. The slimy political operatives/lobbyists, Mercury Public Affairs, withdrew the campaign manager, Bill Cortese, last week.

Republican Party Has Cut Off Funding For Mikey Suits Grimm's Reelection Efforts

Classic sociopath, Michael "Mikey Suits" GrimmGod sent a freak rain storm to tell Staten Island die-hard Republicans that, "no, Mafia congressman Mikey Suits Grimm is not getting a raw deal; he's getting his just desserts." Another force-- the Beltway GOP Establishment-- is sending a signal of their own: they are drying up Grimm's funding.Already in financial trouble because he's diverted