Michael Grimm

Staten Island Republican Mobster Mikey Suits: "I Know I'm A Moral Man, A Man Of Integrity"

The media is implying that Boehner pushed Grimm into resigning. It may be true; we'll probably never know for sure since Grimm's resignation from Congress well may have been part of a plea deal with the Feds to keep him from getting a long, long prison term. Forcing elected officials out of office-- even organized crime figures like Grimm-- isn't something that gets talked about publicly in America.

Who Was Protected In Michael Grimm's Sweet Plea Bargain Deal?

The Michael Grimm saga has always been special for me-- not because my sister lives on Staten Island or because his congressional district includes a part of the Brooklyn neighborhood I grew up in-- but because, in 2005-06-- when I was looking into the "disappearance" of a $400,000 that GOP serial criminal Tom Kontogiannis paid Duke Cunningham to get Bush to pardon him-- a reader inf

Hensarling To Reinstate Indicted Mafia Thug Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm On The Financial Services Committee

Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), crooked chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, is one of the GOP's bagmen for Wall Street banks. He collects the dough from the toxic banksters he's supposed to be overseeing and distributes it inside the Republican caucus to build his own power base among the rank and file. He wrote a personal check to the NRCC this cycle for $2,130,739.

If Steve Israel Can't Even Beat A Thuggish Republican With 20 Criminal Indictments....

The Staten Island Advance is a lot like Staten Island-- and far more conservative and parochial than NY-11 as a whole, which also includes some relatively enlightened parts of Brooklyn (as well as some equally backward Mafia-oriented neighborhoods, particularly in Bay Ridge). And the district as a whole has been changing demographically as more immigrants move in. In 2008 McCain beat Obama in NY-11, 51-48%.

Throwing in the towel on the 2014 campaign, and while we're at it the 2016 campaign as well

"I get 'The Temple will be rebuilt' and 'The Messiahwill come.' But what does 'Hillary will run' mean?"by KenJust as I was about to make the official announcement that I'm officially sick of the 2014 election campaign, along comes The New Yorker's David Sipress, on his current stint as newyorker.com "Daily Cartoon"-ist, with the above cartoon, to remind me that I'm actually alre

Mikey Suits Has Some Bargaining Chips He Hopes Will Keep Him Out Of Prison

You votin' for me?FBI agent turned Gambino Crime Family thug turned Republican congressman Michael “Mikey Suits” Grimm has never had his ugly departure from the FBI publicly aired. That’s because his head wouldn’t be the only one to role if all the dirt comes to the surface. The FBI wants to make a deal and guarantee Grimm gets a lenient sentence with minimal prison time in return for him retiring from politics.

Mikey Suits Grimm Goes There... Speculates On What Happens When He Goes To Prison Next Year

NY-11 should be the kind of district the DCCC should be able to target with a good recruit, make sure he’s well-financed and move on to more difficult districts. NY-11 has a PVI of R+2, although the calculations are off and it’s actually a PVI of zero now. In 2008 McCain beat Obama 118,112 (51%) to 112,044 (48%) but there have been big changes in the district— and in a good way.