Michael Cohen

Who Gets Disbarred First-- Rudy Giuliani Or Michael Cohen?

A new friend introduced me to an even newer friend, someone writes one-liners. He's done 'em for Bill Clinton, as well as Carville and Begala back in the day and since them has written them for current members of Congress. He wanted to have dinner because he's interested in writing them-- as well as ads-- for some of the Blue America candidates. We went to a great L.A. restaurant that I had never tried before, Da Pasquale.

NBC Corrects Cohen Wiretap Story: Says FBI Monitored, Not “Listened to” Calls

(ZHE) —  Update 1: In a major retraction/correction – bringing back memories of ABC’s epic Flynn story debacle – NBC News has clarified that Cohen calls were not being “listened to” but were being “logged” and in fact there was no wiretap. “Michael Cohen’s phones were being monitored by a pen register, not a wiretap, senior U.S. officials say.  Pen registers […]

If Rudy Giuliani’s Hush Money Claim Is True, Should Trump Be Trusted on Iran?

Rudy Giuliani’s so-called defense of Donald J. Trump on Sean Hannity’s nightly One Hour of Hate involved outing the president’s money laundering deal with Michael Cohen whereby he paid him a regular retainer for undisclosed services and then expected him to spend from his own bank account on fixer jobs for Trump. This arrangement helps explain why Cohen maintained he was not reimbursed for his hush money of $130,000 to Stormy Daniels. He was reimbursed, but it was via a supposedly unrelated retainer.

Trump Triumphed Despite Having All Of Roy Cohn’s Debits But None Of His Assets-- Legal Cunning, Brainpower And Loyalty. And Michael Cohen?

Yesterday ABC News reported some financial shenanigans that show one way Señor Trumpanzee has been obstructing justice, using his crooked campaign pay for the defense of his crooked lawyer, Michael Cohen. Do you think Trump would be paying for Cohen's lawyers if Cohen were cooperating with the Justice Department? So far Trump has thrown in nearly a quarter million dollars to keep Cohen from flipping.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWell, guess what, Trump actually does know something: Mobsters take the fifth, as they are entitled to do under our judicial system. But, Señor Trumpanzee ought to know quite about about mobsters and their ways. He's associated with them for decades. 'Associated' may even be too mild of a word. Should we be surprised that Donald Trump tries to run the government like a don of another kind?